Monday, May 9, 2011

Ex Royal Navy Vessels For Sale



Sunday, April 17 - Tours

My son Ivan and I walked part of the Reserve Cuesta Blanca. Like the previous day had been overcast, there was nobody. We are dedicated to collecting garbage (very little) and water the seedlings that had placed two weekends ago at the output of Argentine ecosystems. We could see the many posters that are now placed by the community, reporting on the environmental standards of conduct (see picture one). It was not until approximately 14 hours came the first visitors, who deliver leaflets.

Saturday April 23 - Fire

That night was the smell of smoke and going to see around of the 21 hours, I found a group of 4 young people making a fire, and armed with a tent near the beach of the Whale. The fire was surrounded by stones, but made by a group of dead branches that residents should not place on the banks of river. And there were two fires in the Sierras de Córdoba. The drought, coupled with the neglect of the people, and poor provincial preventive policies, is a very dangerous combination. I explained where are the places authorized to camping and fire. The boys, who had seen a sign placed by the municipality in the fall of the Goldfish, could not claim they did not know. Without protest too much, broke camp and left. Since it is the second time this has happened in less than a month, with several residents of the beach for a cow decided to commission a poster and more, to strengthen placed by the municipality, with an indication of prohibited camping and fire.

Sunday, April 24 - Ferns and travel

Around noon, a couple was taking ferns Reserve Cuesta Blanca. They were just in the area where there is a sign that says "We are recovering the native forest: help us take care of" and another with a sign not to remove plants. I asked if they had not seen the posters, but I was told very rudely that they had only taken a fern, which is not exaggerated. "Do you think that taking a fern going to destroy the forest?" After a few minutes left. A little later, Elisa Riffo was the usual route. Saw very few visitors only two families and a youth group. Nobody was trying to fire. There was very little trash. Elisa was surprised how quiet the day, being Easter Sunday.


Path of interpretation "clump Serrano

Sebastian (Ranger community) placed the starting lineup of the path "grove Serrano "a little more visible to everyone. If you go to the bridge, you will see (see photo), then follow the yellow arrows to go and hit the trail. I recommend the walk worthwhile. There is still place a few signs, but still you can enjoy and learn the route.

Fall Pruning

is usual at this time there are problems with the branches from pruning. Some neighbors who do not know what to do with the shooting in road or river, which is not permitted by regulation communal (municipal regulations related to environmental issues are on our blog: http://vecinoscuestablanca. / , search labeled "resolutions "). In addition, I send you herewith a short piece I wrote a few years ago, with recommendations for pruning, and above all, an ecological vision that can help reduce the problem of pruning in the future.
what to do with pruning? A green vision

FUVA Arroyito of

Apparently, the little stream that comes from the sewage water FUVA is already processed and clean. But several neighbors have occasionally found that the water smells really bad. Perhaps this coincides with the busiest times of visitors, when the treatment plant to process it does not reach all the water. This should not happen at all. But if you leave as much vegetation on the banks of the creek, when it does come more clean water to the river, as the vegetation absorbs nutrients and that decreases the amount of bacteria.


May 7, 2011. 17 hours in the hotel lounge Cuesta Blanca (FATF). Symposium "Water: natural capital and social capital." The speakers will be Daniel Renison, "The landscape and natural capital", Ramiro Berardo, "Social capital and management of water" and Melissa Giorgis: "How much water? Then there will be a discussion moderated by Gustavo Peyroti. Commune organized Cuesta Blanca, group-care environments and ecosystems Argentine volunteers. Free admission. No registration is required.

Schedule rangers environments

Sunday 1 May. Leo Barbera

Sunday 8 May. Mattano Ricardo and Monica (tbc)

plants saws

Margarita yellow ( Hysterionica jasionoides or Bakerii Hysterionica )

not really called yellow daisy, but it is a yellow daisy, and the book does not include a common name. It's a very nice yuyito growing near the road, in sector 1 of the Reserve Cuesta Blanca. Melisa asked Giorgis, who knows all the plants of the hilly forest. She said that without seeing the plant it can not be sure which of the two species is Hysterionica .

Did you know ...

More than 10 million hectares of arable land per year are lost per year (are left), due to soil erosion? (Source: Pimentel et al. 1995. Science 267: 1117-1123).

Text: Ana M. Cingolani

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Wedding Shower Money Tree Poem

environmental standards of conduct Cuesta Blanca Reserva-ATMOSPHERE STORAGE NEWSLETTER

Save-environments volunteers Cuesta Blanca

Why do we exist?

Because we believe that it is possible to coexist with nature without destroying it. Cuesta Blanca yet We have a diverse native forest flora and fauna, a clean river, and beautiful landscapes. To care for these riches, the neighbors and the Community shall establish a set of standards for environmental conduct participatory workshops. Environments rangers help to ensure that standards are met, coordinating tasks with the community rangers.

What do we do?

Once a week, we go through the Recreation and Community Reserve Cuesta Blanca, on the banks of river. We collected trash, talked with visitors and explain the rules of the place. To facilitate the dissemination of the Commune a leaflet with the rules of conduct, we deliver to residents and visitors. We plant native species and help curb the advance of invasive trees to restore the mountain forest in the Reserve. Coordinate actions with the community of Cuesta Blanca, Argentine NGO Ecosystems, and groups in the area.

Who can be saved-friendly?

Anyone willing and able to help occasionally in the weekly rides.

Are there other ways to collaborate?

Meeting and disseminating standards of environmental conduct. Can be ordered in the Commune or check our blog, under the "rules." Calling the police (101) or community ranger (03541-15665543) should observe misconduct.

Contact: Http://

environmental standards of conduct
  • Respect the activities permitted in the Reserve Cuesta Blanca, located on the waterfront. Look carefully at the posters telling you how to act.
  • If you want to fire, use only the area equipped with grills that are located adjacent to the treatment plant. Remember to start fires in prohibited areas is against provincial law 8751.
  • Help us protect the diverse flora and fauna that inhabits this place. As a part of a reservation, penalties by hunting, fishing and logging.
  • listen to the sounds of nature. Please do not make noise or exceeds the volume of music. Cuesta Blanca is a local free noise.
  • Use the garbage cans. The mountains, the beach, the river can not handle the trash.
  • Enjoy the river without losing sight of their children, observing the increasing references.
  • Our mountain streams grow sharply. So, leave the course immediately before the alert sirens made by Fire and Civil Defence.
  • Remember you are not allowed to camp on the banks River. Use the authorized camping.
  • For your comfort and safety, put the car in the parking areas provided.
  • Using quads do not exceed the speed of 20 km / h. Remember that helmet use is mandatory and children must be accompanied by an adult.