Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Catheters No Prescription


electoral Informatics is the science of collecting, evaluating, organizing, processing and automated dissemination of information and rational for the conduct of elections, is the computer science applied to conducting elections. An election ends with the presentation of election results this is also the ultimate purpose of electoral information.

For the elections of March 14, 2010 in Colombia, the Employer and the Contractor shall be liable for their actions and omissions in the performance contract under the terms of the constitution and the law, as established by Act 80 of 1993, ratified by Act 1150 of 2007.

"The bill for the debacle information to know in real time election results will pass the national registration office, Carlos Ariel Sánchez, and that of Horacio Velez, manager of Une, being the visible heads that process. And the first door that opens for accountability, si se llegara a comprobar que hubo irregularidades en la contratación o en la prestación del servicio, es la de la Procuraduría General de la Nación, que ayer anunció el inicio de un proceso de acompañamiento y evaluación de lo ocurrido. En principio, este miércoles escuchará las explicaciones que dará la empresa Une, para luego determinar si hay méritos para iniciar o no una investigación disciplinaria”; según un informe del periódico El Colombiano.
