Monday, April 25, 2011

Arris Modem Tm502g/ct



Friday 1 April - Workshop gardening with native plants

attended by some 80 people at the workshop organized by the Commune of Cuesta Blanca. Cecilia was dictated by Eynard, known landscaper specializing in the subject. The Commune gave the audience the workshop seedlings of some trees for concurrent could plant in their gardens. It is very encouraging to see the interest in our region of South Punilla to use native plants. A change of habits in this regard, will help to protectionis of our ecosystems.

Sunday 3 April - Tours

Ricardo Mattano (Guard-room volunteer) visited the shores of river. The day was calm, there was no particular incident, and handed out some brochures of standards of conduct. That day also Sebastian, community ranger made his usual route.

Saturday 9 April - Argentine Ecosystem output

was a beautiful day out and work . We were more than 35 people, and we left at 9 pm on Bridge Cuesta Blanca, where there is a signpost of pathway "clump Serrano" (see first photo). We did the tour of the path by reading signs and noting the species of plants and birds that abound on the road. We had lunch at the end of the path, and then went to the sector 1 Cuesta Blanca Reserve to enhance the planting done with kindergarten Icho Cruz last year. Also can some grateus which are very large, and cut some other exotic species that are near a river. Came to Channel 12 to film our work!

Sunday 10 April - Tours

The day was very pleasant, however the number of visitors was low. Fernando Barrios made the trip. Found about 8 to 10 families in the area of \u200b\u200bthe grill, taking either directions, and a couple of families to the riverside picnicking, who pledged to leave everything clean. Found very little trash, reflecting in part the passage of witnessing the activity Argentinos Ecosystem previous day. Fernando highlights the large amount of wildlife that exists in Cuesta Blanca (foxes, iguanas, guinea pigs, as well as birds), with whom they can live in harmony if they do not bother and pets to avoid the attack.

Monday 11 April - Tents and fire

That Monday night the smell of smoke of fire drew our attention to Daniel and me. We went to look around and find a group of about 10 people firing and camping on the beach of the Whale. We talked to them, who agreed to put out the fires (there were on two different fires) but not to go. Firefighters were also later, and the police. The latter was only found that everything was calm but apparently not down to the beach for visitors to ask them to go to camping enabled. The visitors remained in place, in absolute peace and quiet. The next morning, and ignoring the warnings, the fire rekindled. Fortunately the community ranger came by and made them shut down. Later, he was the police, to warn that had to disassemble the tents as a sector was not enabled, and also by the growing danger. Before this latest announcement, the group withdrew.


Path of interpretation "clump Serrano

is almost finished, lacking only place two posters. You can go there, despite the fire is very nice. The trees are sprouting and there are many herbs, grasses, birds, butterflies and bugs. If you do not know how to get there, they should go to the bridge, watch carefully the signpost and follow the yellow arrows. They will not regret the ride. The trail is the result of an agreement between the Municipality of Cuesta Blanca, Argentine ecosystems, and the Federation of Travelers.

Arrochar that should not be

me Several neighbors have expressed concern about mysterious gullies that come from different homes or facilities that there were no heavy rains to prove it. Sometimes the water is emptying pools, sometimes overflowing sewage systems. These waters should not return to the river in the form of streams on the land surface. Pictured is an example of one of these streams.


May 7, 2011. 17 hours in the hotel lounge Cuesta Blanca (FATF). Symposium "Water: natural capital and social capital." The speakers will be Daniel Renison, "The landscape and natural capital", Ramiro Berardo, "Social capital and management of water" and Melissa Giorgis: "How much water? Then there will be a discussion moderated by Gustavo Peyroti. Commune organized Cuesta Blanca, group-care environments and ecosystems Argentine volunteers. Free admission.

rangers Schedule environments

Sunday 17 April. Ana Cingolani

Sunday 24 April (Easter). Volunteers are needed

Sunday 1 May. Volunteers are needed.

plants saws

Suico - Chinchilla (Tagetes minuta )

Now it has bloomed everywhere, but "see" first by smell, which is strong and aromatic, very pungent. It may be a smell too Strong who, as an adult, he feels for the first time, but eventually becomes a beautiful aroma. The flower is white and small. Serves as an insect repellent and has many medicinal properties. Pharmacological studies are being conducted on the species. For more details see the book "Flowers of the Center for Argentina" Sersic et al, 2006.

Did you know ...

half the species of large mammals (weighing more than 44 kilos) which had on earth 50 thousand years ago are extinct? Extinctions occurred between 50,000 years BP (before present) and the year 3000 AP. On all continents and islands coincide with the first arrival of humans (Source: Barnosky 2008. PNAS 105: 11543-11548).

Text: Ana M. Cingolani

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Writing Happy Birthday Wishes To Your Boss

Red Eagle, the film ... Concha Velasco assaults Barrio Film

Promotion of the most anticipated film of the spring in local cinema with two of his players: Inma Cuesta and Francis Lorenzo.

Click here to view the video

Monday, April 18, 2011

Where To Purchase Shoestring Licorice

YoDona INMA CUESTA in silver frames

YO DONA is clear: the best gift for Mother's Day are the jewels. As those that adorn the star of the week, Inma Cuesta, on the crest of the wave through the premiere of 'Red Eagle', the big screen version of the popular television series of adventures. "I am a woman with curves, and not bad, right?" Says la actriz sobre su torneado cuerpo.
También del mundo del cine es otra de las caras de este número de YO DONA, que descubre a la productora María Luisa Gutiérrez, la mujer tras el éxito de 'Torrente 4, Lethal Crisis'. "Si mi trabajo en 'Torrente' lo estuviera haciendo un hombre, probablemente sería más sonado', denuncia.
La revista, que se vende el sábado junto con EL MUNDO, entrega en el año Rusia-España su informe comparativo 'Familia rusa en Madrid y española en Moscú', para ver las diferencias y similitudes de sus vidas en tierras ajenas.
Pincha aquí para ver el vídeo

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Ideas For Things To Put Into A Wedding Card


With Quality control.


1 - IDENTIFICATION OF THE CONTRACT. Contracting, Contractor, Purpose, Value the contract signing date, Start Date, Time, delivery date, Supervisor: (name and title, legal designation).

2 - TEST PROCEDURE. In Bogotá, DC, the day --- met at the Office / Unit / --------, on (the) name of the officer (a) --------- ----, who performs the monitoring / interventoría of that contract, (the) name of the officer (a) the mission area or administrative area, the name of officer Store and Inventory -if applicable- of (the state entity) - the name of the contractor's project manager - and / or name of the contractor's legal representative (of society, of the joint venture or consortium - -), in order to verify the performance tests and to deliver the items in the contract, which are described below:


NOTE 1: accepted items meet the test protocol applied to the goods listed in this act and which relates in Annex Contract Technical Numeral # / is the one listed in Annex No. 1 to this report.

NOTE 2: Rejected Elements : #. The contractor agrees to remove the rejected items and replace them within __ days of the signing of this act, without prejudice to the warranty claim for quality assurance and proper operation agreement in the contract.

NOTE 3: Let the record of outstanding obligations by the contractor, should be left in this act the compliance date, as in the case of installation, training and support when has been buying computer equipment, etc.

Note 4: It is understood that the CONTRACTOR has received satisfaction the items in the contract, in accordance with the provisions therein.

3 - VALUE GIVEN IN THIS ACT. It is understood that the value delivered by the CONTRACTOR in this record is the sum of ... Lyrics (numbers).


to record this record is signed by those involved in it, given in Bogotá DC, - Day --- of 20 --. \u0026lt;


CC CC No. No.

Director (A) Administrative (A), Officer warehouse and inventory, Other.

The original of this certificate should be sent the area of \u200b\u200bprocurement and copies to the relevant offices (inventories, insurance, maintenance, physical resources, etc.) and the contractor, as soon as possible, for example within three (3) working days of your subscription.


Sony Dvp Sr200p Made By Phillipsl

Meets a New Year's Manual Fonade Interventoría

From April 29, 2010, Fonade has five number version of the Manual of Inspection, codenamed MMI002 and which was prepared by Carlos Alberto Martín Acosta Martinez Narvaez Jairo Cabrera, officials Execution and Settlement Area. Also reviewed by Yenny Edith Alarcon Quiroga, Area Coordinator Processes and Alberto Cardona Botero, Technical Deputy of the entity.

object Interventoría Manual is to establish guidelines, rules and responsibilities for meeting the Interventoría in its role of planning, review and verification of the implementation of contractual obligations FONADE contractors.

See link: 20Manual% 20of% 20interventoria% 20Version% 2005.pdf

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Cheapest Price For Bionicle Kardas


Saturday 2 April 2011 from 2 pm until 5 pm the portal transmits a live television program from the 7th. Young Entrepreneurs Fair. HOMEROBOTIK supports this event to showcase the achievements and scope of a technology-based company made in Colombia.