Friday, September 7, 2007

Why Do Belly Punching?

Seller, the seller transferred to another for the agreed price of the property you own.
Seller's Obligations: a.
- Improve the transfer of ownership of the property.
b. - Provide good and their accessories in
state that is at the time of contracting. C.
- Deliver
documents and titles relating to the ownership or use of the property sold, unless otherwise agreed. D.
- Deliver or immediately after the conclusion of the contract, unless the delay resulting from your
nature or agreed. E.
- Delivery good in the place where he stands at the time of conclusion of the contract unless it is uncertain which case the delivery is effected at the domicile of the seller. F.
- Reply by the fruits of good if they are to blame for the delay in its delivery, otherwise we can only answer is for the fruits only if any perceived. G.
- Reimburse the purchaser
taxes and expenses contract would have paid the damages compensate the termination of the purchase and sale of non-delivery.
pm - In the case of a contract where the price payable in installments and the seller delay the delivery of the extending these by the time delay.

Buyer: who buys one should pay the price stipulated in the contract to buy what the seller has.
Obligations of the Buyer: a.
- Paying the price at the time, manner and place agreed.
b. - Return the price paid, less taxes and costs of the contract when it terminated the contract for failure to pay the balance.
c. - When the contract is terminated for not having been accorded, in the agreed time, of the guarantee for the balance of the price. D.
- Pay the balance due immediately giving up the shares that were outstanding when I stop paying 3 successive contributions or not. E.
- Pay the balance due when it has agreed in the contract, the illegality of the action
precedent. F.
- give back the buyer and pay fair compensation for the use of the property and compensate the damage and injury. In the event that the contract is terminated for lack of payment from the buyer. G.
- Receive the good within the period specified in the contract or to point applications, but there was an agreed period or for different uses, the buyer will receive the property at the time of signing the contract.


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