Wednesday, November 25, 2009

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mobility Secretariat attacked by network protocol

discussed in Bogotá a tender worth $ 215,000 million in the first stage and would cover the 6th Street. at 116th street, between the eastern hills and Avenida NQS. In a second phase would come Usaquén, Suba, Engativá and Fontibon, and the third would be Kennedy, Ciudad Bolivar, Tunjuelito, Puente Aranda and Bosa. Pictured
can see the traffic control center in Tokyo. Information panels show the status of 7,000 lights whose time is manually adjustable, red areas where there are traffic jams. Photo posted on:

The discussion is requested by the protocol for the telematic network of traffic lights in Bogotá, NTCIP.

NTCIP What? The abbreviation stands for National Transportation Communications for Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Protocol (NTCIP).

NTCIP is a family of standards for communicating (called protocols) and the associated vocabulary (called objects) necessary to enable electronic equipment for traffic control from different manufacturers can operate with others in the same system. According to its administrators, NTCIP standards can reduce the dependence on suppliers of specific equipment and facilitates the integration of generic software. The NTCIP is page

By press release of November 10, 2009 .- Bogota Councilman Fernando Lopez Gutierrez said that "According to State procurement law, institutions must draw up previous studies that support all future contract conditions but in this case the Ministry of Mobility chose to skip this vital issue copialina resort to. " Also described as "shameful, the chain of improvisations the Ministry of Mobility on the issue of traffic lights in Bogota, which forced to suspend the bidding in the absence of technical studies that support the protocol IP NTC chosen by the District. "

councilman also said that" A year ago we were in a similar scandal following the collapse of the city traffic lights, which cost him the job to the then Secretary of Transportation and continue with this chain of improvisations and apologized every week to the citizens "and that" in November 2008 was out of more than 50% of the traffic lights of the city (about 7,000 lights), following the suspension of the agreement between the SDM and the ETB for the electrical maintenance of traffic light system and a year after the process is bogged down. " SECRETARY


journalist Andrea Olano in , wrote on November 10, 2009 that "The Secretary of mobility Fernando Alvarez, apologized to the city public copialina case incurred in the secretariat officials in the tender documents Bogota intelligent traffic lights. Referring to paragraphs 37-verbatim copy of the statements of traffic lights of Panama in the tender Intelligent Control System Bogota traffic, Alvarez said he apologized to the city. However, the official said that this situation does not imply in any way addressing the competition to favor some of the proponents as has been rumored. COMPTROLLER CALLS

further technical
Gerardo Ochoa
journalist published on the website the Tuesday, November 24, 2009, that "the Comptroller of Bogotá, Miguel Angel Moralesrussi , asked the Secretary of Transportation traffic light cancel the tender amounting to 215 billion dollars and that "It is clear that the doubts of that bidding process have not yet been resolved despite various public spaces have been generated for it, "said the head of the watchdog. Continues note saying that" According Moralesrussi, the District Department of Transportation has not released the previous rigorous technical studies for the Department of National Planning recommended development "and" This omission seriously injured the principle of transparency, since the non-disclosure of previous technical studies for the decision to opt for alternative NTCIP protocol, creating uncertainty about which is the protocol that suits you agrees to Bogota "said the Controller.

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