Saturday, June 26, 2010

Gooey Strings In Eyes

University Social Projects Support

Distrital University Francisco José de Caldas offers various possibilities for collaboration with projects of social and institutional development.

The Rectory is located in the Cra 7a. No. 40-53, Bogotá (across from the Universidad Javeriana).

There you can visit the following offices:

Institutional Relations Center, in charge of cooperation mechanisms in the internationalization programs and projects and academic research in line with the reality of the University - City - Region - Nation.

Language Institute, entrusted the formation of whole human beings willing to generate changes in their environment arising from reflections along the learning of languages \u200b\u200bin the context of formal education.

Institute for Education, Peace and Conflict Urban, manager of social reinvention processes, strengthening citizenship and the exercise of rights, for democracy sustained social equity, cultural diversity and political pluralism.

Extension Unit, Faculty of Engineering, in charge of updating and professional practice through interagency agreements subscription services, consulting, consultancy and training in non formal education.

Other units with social services for institutions and communities:

LAUD 90.4FM Station; charge to put the modern media in the service of popular groups, local administrative boards, municipalities Juvenile Community mothers, among others.
Live Sound:


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