Friday, September 17, 2010

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Saturday 7 August - Argentinos Ecosystem output

late but safe. In August we made a departure from Argentine ecosystems open to the public, on the banks of the river San Antonio. We observed an old molle with a hole in the center, possibly used by the Aborigines to fire in, and numerous species of plants of the hilly forest. It was a beautiful day for walking and learning.

Sunday 5 September - Tours

Leo made the journey and reminds everyone that September 5 is World Scout Day. Emiliano emergency replacement, who had a problem that day and could not come to Cuesta Blanca. It was a journey by car and shorter than usual. Warned several visitors of the ban on lighting fires, and gathered a few bottles. He walked the beaches of sector 1, the drop zone of the nightingale, and the beach of FATF. It was a very quiet day.

Sunday 12 September - Tours

Framework and Silvan, a new volunteer, made the travel. The day was nice and breezy. Up the river talking to people they found. At that time there were only 3 or 4 small groups of individuals or couples, all with no intentions of making fire, distributing the new brochure with recommendations to prevent fires. As always, the visitors were very well all the recommendations. On reaching the field of grills are struck by the rubbish that was on the edge of the creek. The collected. They also comment that some grills, belonging to the campsite, cost $ 15, while the community remain free. Turning of the barbecue industry noted that the pipeline leak continues, and the water forms a stream that flows into the River. Although water is not lost, you lose the effort and cost it safe. Marco and Silvan also commented that there was abundant fish in the river, although a bit stagnant water. Marco returned to the evening to the beach from the pump, where it found a lot of people very quiet, sunbathing and mate.


Letter delivered to the Commune in May

have no response to the letter delivered by the group of volunteer rangers environments in the community meeting with President Andrea Jordan in May 2010. To view the text of our letter and comment on the subject, go to .

Dead Fish

Before the report of several neighbors who saw many dead fish in Diquecito area, Emiliano (Municipal park ranger) made an exploratory trip. Noted that mortality was concentrated only in the dam reservoir area and in the pools below the dam, but both upstream and downstream the problem disappeared. When crossing the stream the three waterfalls, most fish found dead, which concluded that the problem comes from the stream, not the San Antonio River. The commune called the Department of Environment and Water Resources Secretariat. Wine Water Resources biologist, who could not find any dead fish, but based on the descriptions of Emily, said the attack may be a fungus (Saprolegnia), because the animals are with lowered resistance to temperature changes. Apparently this fungus does not pollute the water and attack other species (only the family of cichlids, which coincides with the observations of Emiliano).

Cuesta Blanca example

In an article in the Voice of the Interior on water reserves, pointing to Cuesta Blanca as an example of good environmental management.

Survey newsletter

replied to the survey 50 people, in general, permanent residents or temporary Cuesta Blanca, and residents of other towns in South Punilla . The majority held that the length and frequency were appropriate. However, 16% said the frequency was very high, and 6% thought the newsletter was too long. The average response time was 25 days. This suggests that a weekly newsletter too, and generally not reached to read. So I decided to lower the frequency, and send biweekly. Favorite section was "plants of the mountains" (selected by 72% of people as one of the top three.) Then followed "know how" (56%), "new" (56%) and "reports" (56%). More details on the figure.

The figure indicates the sections of the newsletter and the percentage of people who selected the top three.

Reforesting with love our region

This is the name of the project carried out fourth-grade boys school in San Antonio with his teacher Daniela. The project arose from a proposal by the South Wake Punilla. Children perform various activities designed to know, love and restore the native forest. Among these activities was recognition of native and exotic flora of our area, collection, processed and planting native seed, informative workshops, an exhibition of work in the environmental fair in the school, planting at school and elsewhere, and many more activities . Daniela Thanks for providing this information!


Saturday November 6, 2010. Output rangers guided environment for everyone. Be recognized species of the area and especially invite all those interested in participating or collaborating with the group-care environments.

first Saturday of each month . meeting the Board Citizen Participation Cuesta Blanca. In the room of Robert, on the bridge.

first and third Sundays of each month . Punilla meeting Suir. 18 hs. Pueblo Grande. Subject to change.

Nursery Cuesta Blanca. Sale of native plant species. cel: (03541) 15 62 77 92 (Ivan).

page Argentinos Ecosystems . Do not forget to visit, there are many interesting things

Interesting article on urban waste in neighboring blog . .

rangers Schedule environments

remind everyone that the schedule for the tours begin at 12:30

Sunday 19 September. Ana

Sunday 26 September. Sylvia and Leo

Sunday 3 October. Elisa Riffo.

Sunday 10 October. Emiliano Galli

Sunday 17 October. Are needed volunteers

Sunday 24 October. Volunteers are needed

Sunday 31 October. Emiliano Galli

plants saws

Tala (Celtis ehrenbergiana )

Otro de los arboles característicos del bosque serrano. En el invierno se suele quedar sin hojas, pero hoy ya se lo puede ver rebrotando, con hojas muy pequeñitas saliendo de sus ramas espinosas. Tiene una distribución muy amplia, en Argentina, Brasil, Uruguay, Paraguay y Bolivia.

¿Sabían that ...

a global study found that the quality of life of the poorest people can be increased by implementing conservation projects in the catchments? (Source: Nature, September 13, 2010).


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