Monday, April 28, 2008

Why Do Women Do Belly Punching?

Farmalíder: Before we go slow Worker Justice Executive Branch # links

Farmalíder: Before we go slow Worker Justice Executive Branch # links

Saturday, April 26, 2008

How Do I Find Someone Who Works On A Cruise


Dear Friends:

I inform you that on April 25, 2008, were dismissed from
Local 193, Puerto Montt, 9 staff members except two who
are off sick and another Post. Natal, the reasons which led Farmacia Ahumada
were as follows under the causal
under Article 161 of the Labour Code, but these are not the real reasons

two years ago came to this pharmacy Pharmaceutical Chemical Sr.Ricardo Gallardo, moved from Valdivia, from the time management problems comenzaronvarios ago
three weeks ago was that this audit in pharmacy and then gave him the option of the Chemical
to retire with clean paper without paying your
years of service, we learned that there was a shortfall of money
consideration, following the dismissal which the whole staff because of this person
"They paid for the sins" and Mr. JaimeBenedetti, Zonal Head clean hands, not caring
the 11 families left to drift alone to clear her skin.

People who had fired more than two years in the local and the oldest
eight years since he opened the pharmacy. Sincerely

A Family

Sunday, April 6, 2008

How Long Does It Take To Cure A Hematoma

Here Blog interesting Farmalíder the-30-million-de.html

James W. Kalat Biological Psychology Scanned

A STRIKE TWO MONTHS ............

I've been a bit lazy to write, since I'm on leave.

Concepcion I tell them that the company has not fired anyone after the strike.

What he did is fill local dealers, so looking forward unless and until the minute has refused all shipments. Me and some of my colleagues have suffered such discrimination, so our work we are far from our house.
are now local changes , That will make all of our union, they have left the workplace further, I have no doubt.

I tell my case, I needed a move to Santiago, and ordered it in early March. Building notice of February 29 they needed 10 vendors in the metropolitan region, and they said in Santiago on vendors, so that I do not transfer.

BE BECAUSE I WAS ON THE STRIKE ................................

that was a relief, haha \u200b\u200b

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Can I Use Woolite In An He Washing Machine


Sent Thursday, April 3rd at 9:53:49
The union leadership Workers No. 2 Farmacias Ahumada, reported today that the company pays its workers through a complex system of points and no commission, a situation that could lead to the production of low wages of their employees.
The president of the union Marisol Cataldo, told Digital Chronicle that the new measures taken by the drug distribution company, sellers of Farmacias Ahumada SA (FASA) "no longer receive commissions on product sold, but get points are convertible pesos. "If you sell a remedy, you can win one, 20 or 30 points. The tricky thing is that they change every day and we can not know which are the products that change price.

Previously, for example, a product having a value of 24 thousand dollars would get a commission in 1200, today the same medication get five points is five pesos, "reveló.La leaders denounced the point system that has implemented the company is so cumbersome as above. "Nobody understands how much you earn from sales made in a month.
The system has proven to be inefficient because in three or four days a month, it appears the sales made by sellers of FASA. "He charged that this" happens the last four days of month-end sales. The colleagues have adopted the following term: We cut the tail. " SALARY DEPENDING ON WHERE TRABAJASCataldo, indicated that not all FASA sellers earn the same "wages differ by sector, exemplified in the center of Santiago a worker can earn per month about 250 thousand dollars, but in more affluent communities can get about 300 thousand. "Unlike the poorest communes of the capital where a partner can earn per month about 200 thousand dollars.

The reality is that vendors Ahumada, have a basic salary 25 000 pesos and the rest of their remuneration is the product of the commissions earned on sales during the month, "she complained. The reality of the FASA employees is the same for millions of Chileans who working in service industries. "They have no legal minimum wage, plus we add to this collation bonds, mobilization, allocation box, the base salary and commissions, thus the worker can reach about 200 or 250 thousand dollars a month liquids" said. The president of the union
2 of Farmacias Ahumada, Marisol Cataldo, warned that since 2001 no bonuses for the company. SHIFT SYSTEMS Cataldo, reported that the shift system is "complex" and that depends exclusively on the pharmaceutical chemical FASA "They arbitrarily defined schedules. They can inform you that your turn may be different during the week. Today you say you have night and the day enter tomorrow. There is no regulation of a week ago, another evening and night. "The leader said that relations between the chemicals and pharmaceutical workers today is poor" they are playing with you and your time.

They do not respect the law, which states that once a month you should know the working hours and distribute evenly throughout the 45 hours per week. "In short you are at the disposal of chemical and therefore that problems occur with your family "Cataldo said they have made complaints to the Labour Inspectorate and Farmacias Ahumada so far has not made the necessary changes to solve these serious problems, "declaró.Según company data ( Farmacias Ahumada" is now the number one brand in Latin America, with annual sales for the year 2007 853 000 319 million pesos (about 1.717 million dollars) through 176 thousand pharmacies distributed in Mexico, Chile and Peru. They serve 204 million customers. "FASA first half of 2007 in Chile, a net income of 4 000 451 million pesos, up 45% compared to $ 3 000 070 million for the same period of work 2006.Actualmente Farmacias Ahumada on April 1 thousand workers, of which 200 thousand are grouped into two unions, with the number 2 the most growth and acceptance among employees of Pharmacy Ahumada.Santiago de Chile, April 3

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