Saturday, April 26, 2008

How Do I Find Someone Who Works On A Cruise


Dear Friends:

I inform you that on April 25, 2008, were dismissed from
Local 193, Puerto Montt, 9 staff members except two who
are off sick and another Post. Natal, the reasons which led Farmacia Ahumada
were as follows under the causal
under Article 161 of the Labour Code, but these are not the real reasons

two years ago came to this pharmacy Pharmaceutical Chemical Sr.Ricardo Gallardo, moved from Valdivia, from the time management problems comenzaronvarios ago
three weeks ago was that this audit in pharmacy and then gave him the option of the Chemical
to retire with clean paper without paying your
years of service, we learned that there was a shortfall of money
consideration, following the dismissal which the whole staff because of this person
"They paid for the sins" and Mr. JaimeBenedetti, Zonal Head clean hands, not caring
the 11 families left to drift alone to clear her skin.

People who had fired more than two years in the local and the oldest
eight years since he opened the pharmacy. Sincerely

A Family


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