Sunday, January 24, 2010

Position Of The Cervix

What does an Auditor? A (a) Auditor (a) makes technical and scientific activities to verify, measure and verify that goods and services delivered by the contractor comply with the written specifications in the contract continuously monitors the technical, financial and administrative contract drawn chronological reports and performance management for the contractor, prepares certificates of receipt, payment authorizations to the contractor, prepares minutes of starting the implementation, receipt and final settlement of the contract be in writing delivered his orders or suggestions to the contractor and they should framed within the terms of the contract concerned. The controller receives a delegation contractor's legal and is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the contracts with auditors, accountants, attorneys and project managers. The auditors of civil works are civil engineers or architects and auditors from other works should have a university education or technology depending on the type of Inspection, for example, supervision of contracts for electronic communications or telecommunications engineering, supervision of contracts for professional health health. Http://
What does a Project Manager? A (a) Project Manager enforces organizational goals using a structured process controlled techniques, tools and methodologies for carrying out a project that meets customer needs. Http://
What does an Auditor? A (a) Auditor (a) must obtain and evaluate objectively the evidence related to economic activity reports and other technical and operational events to determine the degree of correspondence of the contents of the reports with respect to the principles established for the case . Moreover, the Auditor is a tool of control and supervision contributes to the creation of a culture of discipline and organization can discover flaws or vulnerabilities in the existing structures en la organización. El Auditor utiliza conocimientos acordes con las técnicas informáticas usadas en el control de la gestión. Los Auditores financieros son Contadores Públicos y los Auditores en otras especialidades deben tener formación universitaria según la clase de informa de auditoría, por ejemplo auditoría ambiental, auditoría de sistemas, etc.
¿Qué hace un Contralor? Un(a) Contralor(a) vigila sistemática y permanente las diversas entidades del Estado y aquellos particulares que manejan recursos públicos; el resultado final del control fiscal micro queda registrado elabora un informe de auditoría fiscal control, which is communicated to the audited entity and can be accessed by the public. The findings with fiscal impact, disciplinary or criminal proceedings brought to the attention of the Comptroller for Investigations, Trial Attorneys and coercive jurisdiction, the Prosecutor and the Prosecutor, respectively. As a result of audits, organizations must develop an improvement plan containing corrective actions to address the comments of the Comptroller. Http://
What does an Attorney? A (a) Attorney (a) monitors the performance of public servants and notice any fact which may be violation of existing rules; involved in rights and fundamental guarantees to different levels and when the Attorney General's Office deems it necessary, also starts, advances and failure investigations that are ahead against public servants and against private public functions or manage state monies for disciplinary offenses. Http://


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