Monday, October 4, 2010

Cellebrite Free License



Saturday October 16, 2010. 19 hours. Meeting body-care settings, open all interested in contributing their ideas and opinions. Center Visitor Services. Treat all the issues that arise, but we will follow this agenda:

  • Assessment this 1st year of life of the body.

  • Assessment of experience in dealing with visitors.

  • Evaluation of the means we have for the task (posters, brochures, etc).

  • talk about the effectiveness of internal communication.

  • Talk about our attitude to the commune by the task of guardambientes in general.

  • talk about our attitude toward the community over the issue of the hostels in particular.

  • presentation of the objectives for the coming year.

Any questions or inquiries, contact .


Sunday 19 September - Tours

was a warm sunny Sunday. I (Ana Cingolani) walked along the river, the bridge upwards. Inn on the beach found a tent and a fire last night that still smoldered. I explained to the campers that was not allowed, and extinguished the fire. Other people told me it was very difficult to enforce the ban on fire, if not more posters warned. In general, all visitors I talked to knew the sectorization, and who wanted to roast went directly to the sector enabled. A couple who parked the car in the area of \u200b\u200bbarriers, complained some restrictions, but understanding the reasons stated. Overall everything was very clean, but never short of leaving a bottle or paper, I carried waste containers.

Sunday 26 September - Tours

was an overcast day, with few visitors. Sylvia and Leo toured the sector 1 of the Reservation, where they warned that the place was very clean. However, many cigarette butts picked up (very toxic, should not be lying on beaches). Too many burners disarmed improvised. In turn, say that the pipes that carry water to Carlos Paz still broken. They only found a couple of visitors who said they know the ban on fireworks. More Later that day, appeared a few quads that FUVA entered the field, to walk cross country and erode the land. Daniel Renison was to talk to the drivers, after an exchange of views, retired.


Barriers and signs

The community continues to work on the barriers in the sector 1 of the Reservation and the barbecue industry. In the latter place, from now on cars will be parked outside in a place prepared for it, and visitors must walk a few meters up the grills. In this way, avoid traffic jams and loud music from vehicles.

On the other hand, there are several posters with icons that are already done, and the commune placed shortly. The posters are one or two icons, with different combinations of the icons of "no camping", "not to fire" and "no noise."

Letter delivered to the Commune in May

have no response to the letter delivered by the group of volunteer rangers in the meeting rooms Andrea community with President Jordan in May 2010. To view the text of our letter and comment on the subject, go to .


Tuesday October 5, 2010 . At 21 pm, at Telenoche, comes a report on the Saw Cordoba and water production. The report included some of the research projects we are involved in different researchers in the University and CONICET.

Saturday November 6, 2010. Output rangers guided environment for everyone. Be recognized species of the area and especially invite all those interested in participating or collaborating with the group-care environments.

first Saturday of each month . meeting the Board Citizen Participation Cuesta Blanca. In the room of Robert, on the bridge.

first and third Sundays of each month . Punilla meeting Suir. 18 hs. Pueblo Grande. Subject to change.

Nursery Cuesta Blanca. Sale of native plant species. cel: (03541) 15 62 77 92 (Ivan).

Argentinos page Ecosystems. Do not forget to visit, there are many interesting things

Blog of the residents of Sun River .

rangers Schedule environments

remind everyone that the schedule for the tours starts at 12:30

Sunday 3 October. Elisa Riffo.

Sunday 10 October. Emiliano Galli

Sunday 17 October. Volunteers Needed!!

Sunday 24 October. Volunteers Needed!!

Sunday 31 October. Emiliano Galli

plants saws

Spring ( Argentina Collaea )

Beautiful arbustito that today we find flourished along all banks of the river, growing between the rocks. Its flowers are pollinated by bumblebees.

Did that ...

between 1961 and 1999 the acreage of developed countries decreased by 1.3%? In contrast, the cultivated area increased by 19% in developing countries during the same period (FAO 2001, Ramankutty et al., 2008 - Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 22). In general, this implies a decline in native forests in developing countries.


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