Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Heraklit Mial Wplyw Na Chrzescijanstwo

26/10/1910 10/12/1910


Sunday 3 October - Tours

Elisa Riffo made the tour of the sector 1 of the Reservation. He collected some trash and told visitors to the prohibition of fire, indicating where the sector enabled. Elisa reports that there was a rock in the hostel of the bridge, with large numbers of very quiet audience, between 13 and 18. I do not know if the music was heard from the reserve sector or not.

Sunday 10 October - Tours

The day was very hot and it was the weekend long. Emiliano that whole area was crowded with visitors who came from Cordoba, Rosario, Mendoza, San Francisco and possibly other locations. Many young people came with the idea of \u200b\u200bspending the night, and usually went straight to the campsite. A few also tried to camp on the banks of the river, but Emiliano warned them of the rules. He also found a bunch of guys firing off the beach hostel FATF, but moved to the area of \u200b\u200bgrills when they could not be explained.


Letter delivered to the Commune May

have no response to the letter delivered by the group of volunteer rangers environments in the community meeting with President Andrea Jordan in May 2010. To view the text of our letter and comment on the subject, go to .


Saturday October 16, 2010. 19 hours. Meeting body guard-rooms, open to all interested in contributing their ideas and opinions. Center Visitor Services. View the meeting agenda: . Any questions or inquiries, contact .

Saturday November 6, 2010. Output rangers guided environments for all public. Be recognized species of the area and especially invite all those interested in participating or collaborating with the group-care environments.

Nursery Cuesta Blanca. Sale of native plant species. cel: (03541) 15 62 77 92 (Ivan).

Videos on-line. The following links will find information about Two projects are underway in the Sierras Grandes. (link: report Telenoche)

rangers Schedule environments

remind everyone that the schedule for the tours begin at 12:30

Sunday 3 October. Elisa Riffo.

Sunday 10 October. Emiliano Galli

Sunday 17 October. Daniel Renison

Sunday 24 October. Fernando Barri (tbc)

Sunday 31 October. Emiliano Galli

plants saws

black Duraznillo ( Cestrum parqui )

already blooming everywhere in Cuesta Blanca, also in the rest of the mountain. No smell is very nice, but its flowers are very beautiful, is a arbustito which can measure up meters.

Did you know ...

security in access to water for approximately 80% of the world population is threatened by deterioration of rivers? Rich countries are investing heavily in technology, preventing the manifestation of the problem, but without addressing the underlying causes. Poor countries remain vulnerable. (Source: Vorosmarty et al. 2010. Nature 467: 555-561).


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