Friday, January 21, 2011

How To Clean Gray G Shock

CUESTA BLANCA 01/11/1918 horn


Saturday 8 and Sunday, January 9 - Tours

Saturday was a beautiful day and there were many visitors. Sebastian Richardi (Ranger community) visited the shores of the river at noon, and had to control a number of people and groups trying to make a fire in places not. Sunday was cooler but at noon the sun rose and people began to come. Daniel Renison, Inés García and Sebastián toured the area of \u200b\u200bthe Reserve. They found a couple who already was ending the roast, a few meters of a poster with the ban. When asked if they had not seen the bill, argued in a good manner that they had found the qualified sector. When finished, disarmed the fire, as well as putting out the fire, promising that next time would go to the grill. The site had a tutor and a seedling burned (do not know if they or by a fire that someone had done that before), and this served to show offenders that the fire poses many problems.

They gathered a lot of garbage, all very recent, and had trouble finding communal containers for deposit, as most were saturated. Talked with many visitors and delivered the environmental behavior brochures printed by the commune, and also a booklet of rules made by the Board of Citizen Participation for some time. Several visitors appreciated the work, and many commented on how clean and how nice it is Cuesta Blanca. In addition, two families, independently and spontaneously commented that they loved the silence, and that is the only place where we can find some peace. Throughout the course of Daniel, between 12 and 16, no noises were heard. Even the grills sector was very quiet. Daniel also met with the guard-lives of Indian Stone, who also works with our standards of environmental conduct.

Sundays 9 and 16 January - Arroyo San Antonio

Sundays 9 and 16 January, the evening was made two days of broadcasting on the problem of San Antonio creek. This stream was dried up, while above, in the Country Carlos Paz Golf, water used to irrigate the same basin EVERY DAY (without permission) future golf courses (see articles in "Notices"). During the conference, the neighbors called the attention of a very creative way and building the cars have to go slowly through the bottleneck that occurs normally distributed brochures to drivers and passengers. The response from people was very good.

Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 January - Tours

Saturday was Sebastian, community ranger, fire control and other violations in the busiest areas. Sunday was a day of intense heat, Elisa Riffo, voluntary environmental rangers, Reserve toured the area, talking with people and delivering leaflets. Many visitors seeking little places along the river to make the fire of the barbecue, and she explained that the sector should be enabled. Says that young people are the most accepted and internalized the information care of the place. They also found remains of small fires new, and means that many are made in the evening. In addition, he collected a lot of trash, including bottles.



Many visitors and temporary or permanent residents are surprised by how clean it is Cuesta Blanca. However, despite the great difference with other places, in summer than we are still away. On the one hand, communal containers are saturated, and on the other hand, many visitors are leaving gift neglected bottles, diapers and bags lying in the streets and river shores.

To fix saturated container, truck communal trash collection day, but not enough. For this reason, the district is asking all residents who each put their own container. This order stems from a resolution (which the municipality has given us and we hung on our blog , label "resolutions"). The resolution was the result of a series of open workshops, where the waste was identified as one of the major environmental problems in the locality. The written summary of these workshops is also on our blog (look for the label "workshops").

To solve the problem of loose debris in the river and on the street, both the community and the neighbors are doing a lot of effort. On the one hand, workers in the district when they move with the truck, collect everything they can from the streets. On the other hand, both rangers rangers community environments as volunteers, we broadcast a continuous task and visitor education. Handed out brochures and ask collaboration with the housekeeping. At the same time, collect all the trash we can. In particular Sebastian (Ranger community), runs around the shores of the river several times week, and while doing their work in controlling and education, brings together several waste and leaves everything very clean. On the other hand, is also working with us the life-guard in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Piedra del Indio, which kept very clean in its sector. In Diquecito sector, however, cleaning is not maintained well, and that at times there is enough rubbish thrown.

Annoying noise

The existing resolution on noise nuisance can be found on the blog. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe bridge and the FATF bar (Bar Natural Cuesta Blanca) the regulations are being met. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe grill fell a lot but the problem is not solved at all. Still hears noises at times, especially during weekends. While there is a barrier that prevents the cars are near the grill, this barrier is not permanent, and when there are many visitors to pass up cars. Community rangers have spoken to the person in charge of collection, to control the issue of loud music. In Diquecito area, as some people have told me, are not always compliant noise nuisance, but it gave notice to the municipality, and apparently the noise is decreasing.

A different problem, but also related to the regulation of noise pollution, is the fireworks. While the resolution of prohibited noises explosions during the holiday season there are always noisy firecrackers and fireworks. Several neighbors have expressed concern me, especially for the damage caused by these noises explosives on domestic and wild animals.


In one of the paths of Cuesta Blanca cut a eucalyptus, with the permission of the commune, because the regulation prohibits the felling dismantling native species. The lack of protection of exotic trees such as eucalyptus is intentional, because the regulation (discussed in workshops) had the spirit to protect the mountain forest ecosystem. Alien species often cause irreparable damage to this ecosystem. However, some residents were upset by logging. In our blog has assembled a small debate on the issue, which begins with a discussion angry Marco (save-environment volunteer).


22 January. Walk through the Arroyo San Antonio. For more details, ask or

April 9. Argentinos Ecosystem output in Cuesta Blanca. The output will be all day. Proceed along the path of interpretation and work on the refurbishment of the seedlings planted in Cuesta Blanca Reserve so they can spend the winter (tutors and protection). Also, add some more seedlings, particularly in the area of \u200b\u200b

Facebook Page for the San Antonio Arroyo . Look for "ARROYO SAN ANTONIO", and find information, photos and exchange of views on this subject.

Without healthy ecosystems, water is not safe. The case of Córdoba . An article available, short in which explains the relationship between the health of mountain ecosystems and the quality and quantity of water from rivers and streams. They can ask me or look on page Ecosystem Argentinos ( ).

article about the problem of biological invasions worldwide . Written by Mack and colleagues, and is a very comprehensive article, translated into English, which are explained in great detail the causes, mechanisms and consequences of biological invasions, with examples from around the world.

Synthesis environment workshops . three documents are available that summarize the 9 workshops on environment we have made during 2007 and 2009. Can ask to me or look me in the blog. . (look for the label "workshops").

Newspaper article on San Antonio Creek . not stop reading it on the following link

rangers Schedule environments

Sunday 23 January. Daniel Renison

Sunday 30 January. José Garrido

Sunday 6 February. Volunteers are needed

Sunday 13 February. Volunteers are needed

Sunday 20 February. Volunteers are needed

plants saws

Petunia (Petunia axilaris )

This beautiful white flower grows in many parts of Cuesta Blanca, especially in some rocky terrain.

Did you know ...

daily exposure to low frequency electromagnetic radiation, when the magnetic field exceeds 0.3 micro-Tesla, doubles the risk of childhood leukemia incidence in comparison with exposure to fields lower magnetic? (Source: Kheifets et al. 2005. Pediatrics 116: 303-313). While most households the magnetic field produced by radiation is less than 0.1 micro-Tesla, near transformers or power lines can be overcome value of 0.3.


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