Friday, January 28, 2011

Yamaha Motorbike Cakes


Yesterday commune several neighbors sent a mail informing several things about the summer operating in Cuesta Blanca. I am not very clear as is the beach of the Hippies, if anyone knows something about it Please complain! Then copy it and if no one came:

neighbor If Cuesta Blanca, take a little time to read our
new "seasonal" ...

summer Operating

Since December, the Municipality of Cuesta Blanca is implementing a security crackdown and visitor, with the aim of responding to the dynamics proposed by the summer season for tourists and for the people living in the locality.

The operation includes various aspects related to urban safety in a time when multiplies the number of people who visit us. We want to share with you the main components of this system so we can promote and strengthen partnership:

environmentally responsible tourism : faithful to the profile of the town, Cuesta Blanca is still committed to a tourist activity that allows enjoy the natural wealth without damaging the environment. To contribute to this communal Rangers have two touring the village, especially the coastal zone, informing tourists about the environmental standards of conduct to be observed (including those that preserve Cuesta Blanca as annoying noise-free town establish the areas allocated to fire, camping, etc..).

Visitor Service Center : located in the entrance to the town, on Provincial Route 14, is open daily from 9 to 13 and 14 to 18 hours. Being in a strategic point on the way to the High Peaks, provides tourist information and advice on the entire region.

Lifeguard Corps : river control the most dangerous sectors, and collaborate with members of Civil Defence in the times when the growing reach.

operation of the alarm system for early warning of floods: as our mountain streams grow sharply this system allows us to predict in advance the arrival of growing. Anyway, it is important to leave the runway before the alert sirens performing Fire and Civil Defence respecting his instructions.

Ordering barbecue area : is adjacent to the treatment plant and is the only place in the town enabled to fire. With grills, barbecues and shaded area. This season has been rework the space with the necessary infrastructure to provide comfort while preserving the natural environment.

· vehicular traffic Land : to enhance road safety there is a group organized tourist guiding and controlling the parking lot. Tourists entering by car must pay a bond contribution with a value of ten dollars.

police Control : with the addition of two extra agents, has increased police enforcement in the whole town.

New Posters in public places

The community has strengthened information systems in public spaces through putting up posters, mainly in the coastal zone. This will make announcements about rising sudden demarcated areas protected by lifeguards and to indicate the location of the spaces allowed for camping and fire. The objective of this signaling is to promote responsible habits at the time to enjoy public spaces.

tents Installing

Cuesta Blanca has an authorized camping is the only space within the locality in which they can placing tents. Having a place like this helps ensure the campers face of mounting security, sanitary conditions and comfort.

The river is a public space that is regulated and Cuesta Blanca is preserved particularly through the Ecological Reserve and Recreational Cuesta Blanca, so it is not allowed to camp on its banks.

Playa de los Hippies. This traditional beach is not within the jurisdiction of the town, but it is accessed through Cuesta Blanca. To avoid disappointment, please note that no camping is allowed in that area, but it is a beautiful place to spend the day and enjoy the river and outdoor activities.


During the season the waste collection takes place on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 6 o'clock in the morning. Note these days and times to take their waste to the street, thus avoid problems of broken bags, odors, etc.. The weekend gathering is not performed since it is not possible to make provision end of Municipal Solid Waste in Villa Carlos Paz on Saturdays and Sundays.

Waste Baskets. The Department of Environment of the Commune reminds him that is in effect the resolution 430/09, which regulates the management of household waste. This legislation came in consensus through workshops open to the community that took place in 2009.

Enforcing the resolution (Article 2) the municipal government requires the placement of a trash can lid on the edge of his land to the online community, whose size should be commensurate to the volume of waste generated and deposited in it.

Very important: the deadline for compliance with this rule will end on March 31, 2011. In case of non-compliance penalty system will apply accordingly.

To communicate ...

have any questions, concerns or emergency, you can call the following numbers:

COMMUNITY RANGER: 03541-15665543

PHONE: 100 / 03541-495777


POLICE: 101 / 03541 - 15650414 / 495525

EMERGENCY: 121 / 03541-15651187

CLINIC: 03541-495620


Valeria Albreht

Communication Area

Commune Cuesta Blanca


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