Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Knightsbridge Collection Of Porcelain Dolls

environment workshops SAVE-ENVIRONMENT BULLETIN CUESTA BLANCA 11/01/2005


Monday December 27 - Music, tents and regulations

At midnight between Monday and Tuesday, a small group of boys started playing live music on the beaches of sector 1 of the Reservation. After calling the police twice, how the phone did not arrive, around two o'clock I went to talk to (the night was very cute) and told them standards of environmental conduct, including the ban on lighting fires, camping and making noise. Apologized, said they had not seen the posters they had come at night and they were not going to make more noise. They kept their promise, but were camping in two tents (one on top of the truck and the other somewhat hidden). The next morning when the truck came to collect the waste, Sandra Perez caught their attention, but argued that they were camping, but parked (Sandra did not see the tent that was hidden). Later, seeing the tents myself, I told the municipality and the police, and so did Leo Barbera. Passed about two hours and several calls, until police found the tent and asked to disarm. During the time that the tent was armed visitors as they arrived early, saw the contradiction of an army tent near the signs indicating the prohibition. It is difficult to achieve compliance with the legislation, because the Argentines are accustomed to ignoring the signs, the police have other things to resolve and may not always come at the time, nor the rangers can monitor for 24 hours.

To reverse this and get visitors respect our rules, it is good that all the neighbors get involved a little. Seeing that a rule is not complied, the police can call (101 from a cell phone, with no fixed work), if the commune office hours, or we ourselves try to talk with visitors. Although many times these people do not heed us, at least see that we care and we listen.

Saturday 25 - Tours

Fernando Barri made the journey. There were many visitors and it was hot. Interrupted several large groups, but found no one with intent to roast in the non-enabled. All responded well to the issue of garbage. He also spoke with the police who are on the bridge, explaining the work we do the neighbors and the community in Cuesta Blanca. The police showed great willingness to cooperate with us. One of them, called Marcelo, said it will be until April in Cuesta Blanca and to resort to it if you have a problem.

Sunday 26 December - Tours

This Sunday no voluntary environmental rangers visited the area. It was a busy day and probably Sebastian community warden was controlling costs, but I have no information on his tour.

Sunday 2 January - Tours

Setting Pizarro (guard-room volunteer) and Sebastian Richardi (Ranger community) traveled Cuesta Blanca Reserve (covering all the costs of the river within ejido communal), together with Nico, the son of Sebastian. The day dawned cloudy, but with the passage of the morning was overcast. Marco, Sebastian and Nico up the river and gathered a lot of garbage. Spoke with many visitors, but with the large number of people could not talk to everyone. Andrea Jordan had warned against the FATF Bar (Bar Natural Cuesta Blanca) had two tents, so Mark and Sebastian were up there to ask for the disarming, something that visitors made with a face. The place was very quiet and relatively clean. Then they found two people checking plants for a study of pollination. One person, named Silvina, is doing his doctoral thesis, and therefore need to put cloth bags to the flowers. The study was done in Cuesta Blanca because we have a huge variety and abundance of Fabaceae (legumes traditionally called), she studied plants.

then followed up the river, took apart a large awning, and finally arrived at the barbecue industry. At the edge of San Pablo Creek had much garbage they tried to put together. Later found two cars with loud music who's down smoothly on the request of Mark and Sebastian. Then they found a group by fire on the ground near some bushes, which argued that there was no grills available, and that they had paid for a BBQ (apparently now being charged for the use of all grills). Luckily a family was just emptying your spit, and gently gave way. In another case, a larger group was doing the roast at the bottom of a broiler. Sebastian told them to make the fire up the grill, and the guys said that those charged had provided them a grill too great for the grill (actually the top of a kitchen). There were tense moments and finally the problem was resolved when the same kind family who had given the grill the other group, gave the boys the grill so they could continue to fire in the right place.

An armed group had a tent, but agreed to take it apart easily. In contrast, another armed group carp flatly refused to disarm, and people got even a little violent. For this reason, Sebastian called the patrol car, but had to go mobile Carlos Paz and said they would be delayed. The tent was armed, but Marcus and Sebastian had to return to the bridge. On the way back to the bridge spoke to some people, avoiding some fires more and more garbage collecting. Finally at the bridge that tipped off the police do not hesitate to send the phone to get the tent. Then separated and ended up touring different areas of the coast.


Resolutions on clearing, litter and noise nuisance

As a result of a long participatory process, residents currently have the support of three resolutions in force regulating the problems of garbage, clearing and noise. The Municipality has provided the text of the resolutions, and we placed these texts in our blog: . (look for the label "resolutions").

One of the points of the resolution residue indicates that each neighbor should put a single trash can with lid. This was discussed a lot in environmental workshops conducted during 2007 and 2009 (see the synthesis of these workshops in the blog), and many neighbors at first we did not agree. However, after hearing arguments in the district, we were convinced that is reasonable for several reasons: (1) communal containers are flooded over the summer, although the municipality collects garbage seven days a week, (2) is impossible community to put more containers because no neighbor wants them close to home, (3) the individual container with lid is very effective and very problematic, as reported by the neighbors who have registered.

More posters

The municipality has already designed some posters on the subject of garbage to add in some coastal areas where there is still little signage.

Arroyo San Antonio

The San Antonio creek dried up, water does not run continuously as before. On December 29, 2010, residents of San Antonio were to witnesses and a notary to make a record of daily watering that is taking place in the country Carlos Paz Golf (See photo below). This Country is in the upper San Antonio Creek (road to the Jarillas) and the water used for irrigation is taken from boreholes. According to have found the residents of San Antonio, the holes not only take water from the water table, but creates a cone of absorption that carries water from the brook, downstream drying. On the other hand, in the recent past there were also direct shots from the creek rams technology, which apparently contributed to dry.


Sunday 9 January. 19 hours. At the mouth of Arroyo San Antonio on the path (opposite the new pedestrian bridge). Neighbors flyers distributed to visitors who are returning to Córdoba and Carlos Paz at walking speed (by the accumulation of traffic there at that time). Iran with giant puppets and posters. We need volunteers to paint the posters. Who wants to help, write to .

Edible Weeds . I have available a text of the ecologist Eduardo Rapoport and colleagues on edible weeds Cono Sur. In the text you can find instructions for recognizing several species of weeds (many of them present in our region), and how to cook in different ways. I will send it to whom I asked.

Without healthy ecosystems, water is not safe. The case of Córdoba . Another article available I can ask. This explains the problem of degradation of the mountains and invasion of exotic species, and impacts on quality and quantity of river water.

Synthesis environment workshops . I have available the three documents that summarize the 9 workshops on environment we have made during 2007 and 2009. Also be found on the blog.

Article in The Voice over Cuesta Blanca. See this link the-green-

Facebook Page for the San Antonio Arroyo . Look at facebook "ARROYO SAN ANTONIO", and find the page where there is information, photographs and exchange of views on this subject.

rangers Schedule environments

Sunday 9 January. Daniel Renison - Sebastian (Ranger community)

Sunday 16 January. Elisa Riffo - Sebastian (Ranger community)

Sunday 23 January. Without volunteers

Sunday 30 January. Without volunteers

plants saws

Pasto nice (Eustachys dictichophylla)

This grass is very attractive, growing in many parts of Cuesta Blanca and a few green plants all year round, with plumes striking. It is a grass native with a huge potential as an ornamental.

Did you know ...

in the Sierras Grandes de Córdoba diversity and abundance of birds decreases in the vicinity of the trails where visitors pass? (Source: Biodiversity & Conservation 2007).

Cuesta Blanca, thanks to conserve native vegetation and tranquility, we can see very rare species and difficult to see how the black woodpecker (in this case about a molle). Photo: Fernando Barri.


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