Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How Does It Cost To Build A Database



Sunday 6 February - Tours

was a day quite cloudy. I met with Sebastian (ranger Cuesta Blanca) at noon at the bridge and toured the sector 1 of the Reservation. We collected a lot of trash and talked to some visitors. Then Sebastian went to the barbecue, I stayed reviewing the trees we planted with the neighbors in November 2009 and April 2010. I noticed that in general are growing well, but I found a burnt by the fire of a barbecue is not detected early. Returning to the bridge, talked with a neighbor who was putting barriers in the trunk of a decrease pedestrian paradise, to keep out the quads and degrade the site. Sebastian later went to the drop zone of the Nightingale, and I turned on the other side of the river to the beach bar of FATF, where a couple had set up his tent. It was not overnight, but an army tent usually encourage others also assemble their tents. So I had to ask the disarm. The life-guard the beach helped me explain the problem to visitors. He also confirmed that he always takes care of the sector so as not to make fires. Just then we saw smoke on the other side of river. I crossed and talked to the cause. It was a family who wanted to heat water to mate. Apologized, and they turned it off right away. Later I spoke with several visitors more, and all commented on how clean and nice it is there.

In the first photo, a pepper tree planted in April 2010, growing very healthy. In the second, a neighbor putting up barriers to prevent the crosswalk down the quads.

Sunday February 13 - Tours

Leo Brunori Silvia Barbera and toured the area of \u200b\u200bthe river as usual at noon. Wearing the gloves provided to the district rangers environments and waste bag and gathered a lot, despite the general cleanliness of the town. They also talked to many visitors who saw them with the orange shirt seized the opportunity to ask all kinds of tourist information. Sebastian (the Ranger) was also the afternoon visiting the different sections of the Reserve Cuesta Blanca. Among the three very well covered all the costs, many pamphlets and distributed new environmental standards of conduct (see news). Many visitors to collaborate with his bag of waste, and also congratulated them on the job. Silvia Leo and say that was a very nice day trip, especially because there was no one camping or firing in places not. The new posters that put the commune (see news) are helping a lot to respect the rules.



Several neighbors have told me that the issue of noise pollution and improved waste Diquecito area in relation to what it was in years earlier and earlier this year. Some ask to be more communal dumpsters (however, see review on this subject in our blog - find the label "workshops"). Persist also some tents set up on vacant land private, that are causing some problems, especially noise and trash. As I have understood, the community, in dialogue with the locals, are seeking ways to solve these problems.

Phone ranger

have any environmental problem can call the community rangers: 03541-15665543

Brochures new

the community designed and printed too beautiful brochures environmental standards of conduct. Goes a small scanned image to be viewed. If someone wants a picture with better resolution can ask me.


always nice to see increasing River, especially after long drought we've had. For those not lucky enough to be close, I send a couple of pictures of a growing last week.

Many new posters

The community put a lot of posters that help control the issue of fire and tents. For example, in this case took the post of a lineup that was already (in one of the restoration areas), and added icons to the prohibitions.


9, April. Argentinos Ecosystem output in Cuesta Blanca. The output will be all day (from 9 am). Proceed along the path of interpretation and work on conditioning of seedlings planted in Reserve Cuesta Blanca so they can spend the winter (tutors and protection). In addition, we will plant some more trees, particularly where persistent attempts to make fire, to help deter offenders.

Without healthy ecosystems, water is not safe. The case of Córdoba . An item available, short, which explains the relationship between the health of mountain ecosystems and the quality and quantity of river water and streams. They can ask me or look on page Ecosystem Argentinos ( ).

article about the problem of biological invasions worldwide . Written by Mack and colleagues, and is a very comprehensive article, translated into English, which are explained in great detail the causes, mechanisms and consequences of biological invasions, with examples from around the world.

Nursery Cuesta Blanca. Sale of native plant species. cel: (03541) 15 33 44 58 (Ivan). Take advantage now is good time to plant.

Ceramics to have or give . It is environmentally more sustainable buying local handicrafts products made elsewhere in the world. So I send this picture of one of the cute ceramic mates which Elda one of our neighbors to Cuesta Blanca. You can contact her by phone (0351-153231818) or by mail ( ).

rangers Schedule environments

Sunday 20 February. Fernando Barri

Sunday 27 February. Volunteers are needed

Sunday 6 March. Volunteers are needed.

plants saws

False daisy scarlet ( Amblyopetalum coccineum)

This plant is endemic to Argentina (no increases in other countries), and has latex on their stems. It is rare to see, but if you pay attention you will find on the sidewalks of Cuesta Blanca. Has flowers resembling those of scarlet margarita.

Did you know ...

in Singapore conducted a study which found that real estate value of properties is higher in quiet neighborhoods (low noises) than in neighborhoods with high levels of noise pollution? (Source: Journal of Environmental Law, 1992).

Text: Ana M. Cingolani


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