Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sparkling Water Upset Stomach

CUESTA BLANCA 01 - 02-11 Summer


Saturday January 22 - Walk by the river San Antonio

At 17 am on Saturday, starting from the cemetery, trekked in defense of San Antonio Creek. There were about 50 residents of the area, and were accompanied by two policemen. Romina Torres biologist explained the different reasons why the stream is degraded. He mentioned the fires, building houses, landscaping of gardens and invasion of alien species as the most important causes. Faced with a scenario like this, and given the small size of the watershed, an undertaking of the magnitude of Carlos Paz Golf has severe impacts. Romina also spoke of the importance of regulating water use through tariffs and meters, including in this regulation to the countries. During the walk they talk about and much discussed, and mentioned the importance of implementing the provincial reserves in the area, making participatory land use planning. Cuesta Blanca were discussed as an art commune in environmental policy.

When the group was about to go walking down the creek to the area of \u200b\u200bcountry, the country's security guard tried to throw them out. With him was also the architect of the country and the situation was very tense. Everyone was very surprised because it is known that the banks of streams are public areas and no private entity may prohibit access (only you can do the same State, if necessary for reasons of public good).

addition, hikers found the creek bed is obstructed by land bridges used to happen with tractors and fences cutting off the stream, which is illegal. You can find more information about this project and its effects very good in a note released in the Twenty magazine (see link below in "Notices").

In The first photo shows some neighbors walking down the bank of the river, and in the other, the lawn well-watered golf area.

Sunday 23 January - Tours

was hot, there was no rained and the river was like a hot soup mixed with soil, algae, debris, and many people. Daniel Renison, accompanied by Gabriela Hermitte and also a little bit by Laura Dubois, traveled between 12 and 15:30 pm the sector 1 of the Reservation, between the bridge and grills. They collected a lot of trash, both inside and outside the water. They met with Sebastian (Ranger community), who asked to be strong with the theme of the fires, making visitors turned off or yes. Sebastian told them the previous night had been scouring the shores of the river at 2 am. He put out several fires and had difficulties with some groups. In fact, Daniel and Gabriel could see several fires made during the night, some of the trees planted. Sebastian also told them that he was conversing with people parking charges, to assist with the work environment. During the tour, rangers found no fire environments or noise. Even some tourists collaborated collecting garbage, and commented on how nice and clean it Cuesta Blanca. One visitor complained about the ambiguity of the sign that says "No camping on the banks of the river." Tent had been set up considering it was far from the river, and before the notice of the ban had to disarm. Daniel suggests that the part that says "the river" is painted with the same background color for the sign just says "no camping". Finally, the neighbor Luis Mansilla, a great collaborator, told them that earlier had been shut down two fires. They finished the tour with a drink cooler in the natural bar Cuesta Blanca, where he marveled how pleasant the atmosphere and the low volume of the music.

Sunday January 30 - Tours

Pepe Garrido, accompanied by her children Lisa and Manuel came out to 12.30 to make the journey. The river had risen about 60 cm, but they still had enough people. They found no tent, beach tent except for the day. Nor was no firing in places not. Collected more than four bags of garbage, and around 15 completed the course. Pepe spoke by telephone with Sebastian, the community park rangers, who relayed that he would do a tour of the evening.


Commune Cuesta Blanca - Summer Operating

The municipality sent an official bulletin on the "Operation Summer" listing various actions being carried out to maximize urban safety and environmental care in Cuesta Blanca. We've uploaded the official newsletter on our blog, so they can see those who have not received .

Playa de los Hippies

During January there have been some police operations to leave the tents. Apparently, the owners of the countryside do not want to be more in the camp that is within private property. The municipality supports the ban, due to environmental and safety problems that arise daily in the sector, but has no jurisdiction over this area (see further explanations in the bulletin of the commune). Because it is an area in which camping for years, police operations have not prevented the rest. People who have spent part of January on the beach, I am told that the police leave, nearly all visitors came back and installed their tent again.

neighbors collaborate

Several neighbors, temporary residents Cuesta Blanca with his home near the river or often spend the day at the beach, I have commented that they are actively helping to control the fires and promote cleanliness (collecting garbage and asking visitors to wear it.) Among the notable events, told me one day in January when everything was still fairly dry, the grass caught fire near the descent of Romerillo (the origin of this fire is doubtful) and together they turned it off, using buckets children.

Phone ranger

have any environmental problem, can call to your the community ranger: 03541-15665543


Adriana Marcolín, a frequent visitor to Cuesta Blanca, every year choose this place for a vacation, he sent me a few words, I include here because I think it reflects very well what they are looking at Cuesta Blanca many inhabitants of large cities .

want to continue eating fruits piquillín

I amazed with the way the flowers

I revel in the scent of jasmine

want to hear the horn sing

foxes that stick out in the afternoon in the grass

that toads sing their knock-knock on summer nights

enjoy the cool waters and the roar of the river

when it comes to the growing

moonless nights starry

laughter restless children in the afternoons


April 9. Argentinos Ecosystem output in Cuesta Blanca. The output will be all day (times to be confirmed). Proceed along the path of interpretation and work on the refurbishment of the seedlings planted in Reserve Cuesta Blanca so they can spend the winter (tutors and protection). In addition, we will plant some more trees.

Without healthy ecosystems, water is not safe. The case of Córdoba . An article available, short, which explains the relationship between the health of mountain ecosystems and the quality and quantity of water from rivers and streams. They can ask me or look on page Ecosystem Argentinos ( ).

article about the problem of biological invasions worldwide . Written by Mack and colleagues, and is a very comprehensive article, translated into English, in which are explained in great detail the causes, mechanisms and consequences of biological invasions, with examples from around the world.

Synthesis environment workshops . three documents are available that summarize the 9 workshops on environment we have made during 2007 and 2009. Can ask to me or look me in the blog. . (look for the label "workshops").

Cuesta Blanca Nursery . Sell \u200b\u200b native plant species. cel: (03541) 15 33 44 58 (Ivan). Take advantage now is good time to plant.

Note on San Antonio Creek . is very good and complete, appeared in the Journal Twenty. Http:// . There is also a facebook page with news about the stream.

rangers Schedule environments

Sunday 6 February. Ana Cingolani

Sunday 13 February. Volunteers are needed

Sunday 20 February. Volunteers are needed

Sunday 27 February. Volunteers are needed

plants saws

Pavonia globosa (Pavonia aurigloba )

It can be seen blooming on the side of the streets of Cuesta Blanca, where fortunately very little is cut the grass, allowing residents and visitors to appreciate nature's gifts like this.

Did you know ...

in Cuesta Blanca, rained 45 mm in December and in January 120? The December value was the lowest in the last 17 years, while January is very close to the average for that month. (Source: Ronaldo Renison).


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