Friday, December 10, 2010

Rapadura Sugar Substotute

The San Roque could provide drinking water to Carlos Paz and around

Villa Carlos Paz .- In the search for alternatives to solve the problems related to supply and technical officials of the municipality of Villa Carlos Paz working on the layout a work plan to take water from Lake San Roque, treat and distribute drinking among the inhabitants of the city and surrounding communities. The initiative would have the support of Mayor Carlos Felpeto and would be headed by Aldo Scagliarini, who determined that the socket is locate in Costa Azul and the water is pumped from there to the treatment plants.
Stopping San Antonio river water and start doing the lake, is a proposal that has a long history in the city that never happened for fear of the costs that could lead to drinking. And it is a reality, which, if put into effect this delivery system, the municipality must make a significant investment in equipment, because the process of water purification San Roque will be more intense than they did in its main tributary. While
testimonies agree that this is an experimental process, the ambitious project that works garnered the Executive Department and several "supporters" who understand that this could be a solution to the lack of water during periods of drought, and an opportunity not to continue running the rivers and streams that make up the basin of the reservoir known. On this point, the spokesmen consulted the Palace "July 16" match: "It is trabajando en el desarrollo de una nueva provisión de agua a través del lago San Roque, en lugar del río San Antonio. Es algo que deberá probarse y también debemos fijar los costos que ocasionará el abastecernos del lago y no del río".
"Sin dudas, sabemos que será más costoso, pero así lograremos eliminar la problemática de la falta de agua en Villa Carlos Paz. El lago San Roque tiene capacidad para proveer de agua potable a nuestra ciudad, a las comunas del sur de Punilla y seguir abasteciendo a la ciudad de Córdoba, al tiempo que dejaríamos de secar el cauce del río San Antonio o de otra fuente de abastecimiento"; agregaron las fuentes consultadas por El Diario, quienes dejaron entrever the possibility that regard, a meeting be held with representatives of the Integrated Cooperative (Coopi).
Specifically, the plan includes making the pumping station in an area of \u200b\u200bCosta Azul, where water treatment plants sent to La Quinta and a third facility that the radio emplazaría center of the city. Also intended to take place outside of Carlos Paz, has to do with the opportunity to send fluid to the gated communities and developments that unfold along the highway linking Punilla Córdoba.
However, it is estimated that the quartermaster should manage funds from the national or provincial government address the "work plan" and do a precise work on the fluid removed. In that sense, we must work seriously to avoid the same thing happen that happened with the provision of water Cordoba, who has "a strong smell of seaweed and a strange taste," according to neighbors reported the provincial capital. "When you have algae blooms, as in the San Roque Lake, the conditions of potable water are disastrous, so that after the process, often still remains a trace of smell and taste", argued the company's technical advisory They filled: "That does not happen, it is necessary to increase costs and expensive purification process. Although we say that the treated water is harmless to health, although the taste and smell is not the usual ".

Posted in this note" El Diario de Carlos Paz .


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