Thursday, December 23, 2010

Can Chicken Pox As An Adult Make A Woman Sterile?



Monday 6 December - Meeting Mayú-Sumaj

Leo Barbera and Marco Pizarro, two volunteer rangers environments Cuesta Blanca, attended the council meeting urban environmental Sumaj Mayú to share and discuss opinions and issues.

Saturday 10 and Sunday 12 December - Tours

On Sunday, Leo began his tour at 12:00 pm. It was cool and sunny. He found several people who said environmental standards of conduct and handed leaflets. While costs in general were clean, picked up some trash. Had no incidents with fires in places not.

On the other hand, Sebastian Richardi (the new ranger Cuesta Blanca) was traveling and collecting garbage at other times during the Saturday and Sunday. He says that the weekend was busy, and general visitors appreciated the information and are happy with the draft Cuesta Blanca as quiet and natural. Many showed him their own trash bag as an indication their willingness to collaborate. He said that at the barbecue industry, despite the barriers, there are cars that can park nearby and it allows visitors put some loud music while on grill. Many people lose the music on the request of park ranger or guard-room, but then rise again. In one case, Sebastian sought the assistance of the police.

Saturday 19 December - Large Village Plantation in

Saturday was an ideal day for planting trees, very cloudy, with a fine drizzle. We put molle seedlings, apple field, logging, carob, gorse, peach field stick milk or chilli, Moradillo, orc quebracho, and a vine of jasmine chile family. Renison and thank Romina Torres Ronaldo, who under the Reforestation and Conservation Project of the Sierras de Córdoba, produced seedlings. That day, Stella Arioza apricot cake was incredibly rich with which we celebrate the final work.

Sunday 19 December - Tours

Sunday was a cloudy and somewhat rainy. Marco and Sebastian Pizarro crossed the coast at noon. There were few visitors, they found only two groups in the the barbecue area, a group on the bridge and another in the fall of the Nightingale. With all of them talking, discussing the care that should be in the trash, fire and loud music. They also collected some garbage. Marco said that the sector remains very small litter grills difficult to collect (caps, bits of paper, etc.). Also says that the river is a little messy for the lack of growing.


Bars and environmental standards of conduct

The FATF bar dealers are committed to a free Cuesta Blanca noises, and are following the advice of the rangers in relation to the volume of music and other environmental standards of conduct. The new bar is called "Cuesta Natural White Bar "which is also showing the willingness to work properly with the profile of Cuesta Blanca.

The bridge also keeps this commitment, because when there is music on the premises of Robert or Martha, usually at low volume listening only localized manner.

Resolutions on clearing, litter and noise nuisance

As a result of a long participatory process, residents currently have the support of three resolutions in force governing garbage problems, disassemble and noise. The Commune 've provided the text of the resolutions, and we hung these texts on our blog: . (look for the label "resolutions").


Diquecito The commune is improving access Pedestrian also older and hard to visit the site, and added a trash can.

Rangers community: more hours of courses

In a letter dated May 2010 environments rangers hope to demonstrate the need for more hours of coverage community park guards (see letter in ). Consistent with this concern, the municipality joined Sebastian, who is working as a ranger since early December. Sebastian made tours and environmental education work with visitors both Saturdays and Sundays, and few days a week.

La Rinconada and the way Cabalango

Gonzalo Roman de La Rinconada told me that the work continues at the site where the Province months ago stopped a clearing by management of the Commune of Cuesta Blanca. Not know yet what type of establishment will, but it is likely that this is the first step in a process of urbanization, clearing and introduction of alien species as a result of scheduled Cabalango asphalt road. Arguably this will bring terrestrial ecosystem degradation and loss of quality of local waterways. The only way to avoid this degradation announced to promote the creation of reserves with land expropriation, as is being done in the mountainside of Carlos Paz.

police Collaboration

Police are actively working to control fires and tents in places not, and the control of noise. Any problems, you can call 101 and handled in Icho Cruz.


Pueblo Grande page. See this page, is very nice and has activities that have been made from Pueblo Grande, including some environmental nature

increasing risk in Cuesta Blanca. I have available a report entitled "Threat sudden increasing in the town of Cuesta Blanca, province of Cordoba, whose authors are Rodrigo M. Ugarte, Osvaldo L. N. Barbeito and Silvio Ambrosino. The work is very interesting maps of flood risk areas, and pictures of the flooding of 1992. As it is a little heavy, not attached control, but stiffened on request.

Edible Weeds . I have also available a text of the ecologist Eduardo Rapoport and colleagues on edible weeds in the Southern Cone. The text can be found to recognize signs several species of weeds (many of them present in our region), and how to cook in different ways. I will send it to whom I asked.

Without healthy ecosystems, water is not safe. The case of Córdoba . Another article available I can ask. This explains the problem of degradation of the mountains and invasion of exotic species, and impacts on quality and quantity of river water.

Cuesta Blanca Nursery . Sell \u200b\u200b native plant species. cel: (03541) 15 33 44 58 (Ivan).

Schedule rangers environments

Saturday 25 December. Sebastian Richardi (Ranger community)

Sunday 26 December. Fernando Barri - Sebastian

Sunday 2 January. Sebastian will be. Is there a volunteer to accompany them?

Sunday 9 January. Daniel Renison - Sebastian

Sunday 16 January. Shortage of volunteers to work with Sebastian

plants saws

Jasmine Jasmine saws or chile (Mandevilla laxa )

The vine perfumed the gardens of almost every house in Cuesta Blanca. It climbs trees and fences with no one to invite and we're happy day. In general, the air is lost during the winter, and spring regrowth from below. However, in some places remain protected the stems and leaves the plant gets high very quickly, just start the first rains.

Did you know ...

sediments of Lake San Roque have abnormally high concentrations of uranium, arsenic and tungsten, which can only be explained by the presence of the uranium mine? This could have serious consequences for human health (Bertolino et al. 2007. Applied Clay Science 36: 206-220).


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