Thursday, March 31, 2011

Can Chicken Pox Make A Woman Sterile?

11/04/1915 31/03/1911


Sunday March 20 - Tours

was a nice day pretty busy. Elisa Riffo toured the area, handing out leaflets, collecting trash and talking with visitors. Do not find anybody trying to make a fire in places not. Many of the people I spoke said that they loved the place and posters, and they were happy with the standards of conduct.

Long weekend (24 to 27 March) - Tours and other herbs

On Friday late afternoon, Elisa Riffo from home and a fire was detected, as a guard-room, to warn visitors about the ban. There were two or three families were together, and wanted to heat water for drinking mate. Complained about the cost of the grill (10 $ per person), and said they had seen the posters. Reluctantly, he put out the fire before the notice of Elisa.

During Saturday night, I detected noise pollution in the river (drums and some shouting). At dawn I went to the beach at La Ballena, where the noise came, and there was a group of teenagers celebrating a birthday. They had made a fire. They were from a house nearby. I explained to the kids and adults who were with them that the fires were prohibited and Cuesta Blanca was a free commune noise. I told them if not all collaborate in that these standards are met, soon becomes very difficult to keep calm and conserve nature of the place. The boys were very polite, but it is important to understand that even those who live or have a house here, we meet the same standards we ask that the district issued. One of them, with good humor, he said, "but then Cuesta Blanca is a commune of boring people." To which I replied "Yes, but we are entitled." And he wisely replied "true."

Finally, on Sunday 27, Leo Barbera made the rounds of the afternoon. Began at 12:30 pm and ended at 14:25. There were few visitors and no attempt to fire. He collected enough trash long weekend. He said that the area is a dirtier far from the bridge to the descent of the Nightingale (bottles, rusty cans, diapers), while from the bridge up, there is always proportionally less waste. Another comment I read is that many times together all the rubbish that lies between his house and the bridge on the outward journey, and already on the way back again to be garbage. Since there are streets that pass many visitors, it follows that the neighbors are contributing to soil. Leo handed out leaflets and talked to many people, all very nice and well predisposed. For example, a father showed him how he kept in his pocket the papers which were put Band-Aids to their children.


home trash containers

containers always elicit some sort of incident or complaint. One reason why many residents refuse to put it is that visitors or residents of other homes put their trash in outside containers (ie, the one). After two days of having placed the basket on my brand new house, a lady got out of his car and tried to bring their bags. It was hard because it was already full. Daniel Renison stared at her without saying anything. As I could not finish their homework, got nervous and asked "can put the garbage here, right?. To which Daniel replied, "No! Are you from a house from here Nearby. " She said her house was a little further. Daniel explained that he then had to be a container itself, as the commons were for visitors. She said she was renting, and left their trash in the container community, which is opposite to ours.

The mysterious buried container

A person who works in the Civil Association "Working Group Cuesta Blanca told me that the mysterious container buried in the street area is not haunted toxic elements but non-perishable foods are donated to Spain to help in case of disaster. For example, when flooding occurred in Santa Fe, extruded foods were sent there.


April 1, 2011. 16 to 18 pm at the Visitor Center Cuesta Blanca. Gardening workshop with native plants. Do not miss this!

April 9, 2011. output Ecosystem Argentinos in Cuesta Blanca. 9 am on the bridge.

During the morning

-Traveled the path "clump Serrano" - observation of birds and vegetation. Bring binoculars.

-Put up posters missing in the path (to which they are willing to work a little.)

During the afternoon

-seedling planting and refurbishment earlier in the Reserve Cuesta Blanca (bridge, road to the water treatment plant).

-Elimination of regrowth of exotic species. Bring pruning shears.

No cost

Guiding output: Ana Cingolani, Daniel Renison and Joaquin Piedra

May 7, 2011. 17 hours in the hotel lounge Cuesta Blanca (FATF). Symposium "Water: natural capital and social capital." The speakers will be Daniel Renison, "The landscape and natural capital", Ramiro Berardo, "Social capital and management of water" and Melissa Giorgis: "How much water? Then there will be a discussion moderated by Gustavo Peyrotti. Commune organized Cuesta Blanca, group-care environments and ecosystems Argentine volunteers.

rangers Schedule environments

Sunday 3 April. Ricardo Mattano

Sunday 10 April. Fernando Barri

Sunday 17 April. Volunteers are needed

Sunday 24 April. Volunteers are needed

plants saws

field Bouquet (Eupatorium argentinum )

is common in the Sierras Chicas and Sierras Grandes, but does not reach very high. Cuesta Blanca is in bloom now, and full of bees, we must seize to see because it is very pretty.

Did you know ...

in the Humid Pampa, afforestation (pine and eucalyptus) raise salinity of groundwater from three to thirty times? In almost all cases, the resulting values \u200b\u200bare above safe levels for human consumption. (Source: Jobbágy et al. 2006. Science Today 16 (95): 12-21)

Text: Ana M. Cingolani

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

March Tanning Slogans

Aquí tenemos Inma posing in 2011 with Silver Frames Maria Leon, the two star in new film by Benito Zambrano "The Sleeping Voice."

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Unsecured Loan Services



Sunday March 6 zo - Tours

On Sunday, somewhat cloudy but warm and part of the long weekend, many visitors came to Cuesta Blanca. I did the tour, between 12 noon and 16 hours. Handed out many brochures and talked to some neighbors and visitors. All were very well disposed and some congratulated me for the work they do. A group that got out for a barbecue, had no problems in going to the sector enabled when they warned. Another group was planning to camp, but went to the camp site when they realized that they could not do elsewhere. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe grills were some groups with music volume is not high, but not bother each other because there were many people. Some sent me the trouble by the music of others, and so I asked everyone to come down. The person who collects the parking lot told me that he would continue to control. I explained that several times, visitors barbequing in places not argued that they did not want me to go to the barbecue by the lack of peace, and that is why it was important to control.

During the tour, I noticed that in the sector against natural bar Cuesta Blanca (FATF) had taken out a lineup and loosed a trash can. The poster, before being broken, consisted of two images. Above was the icon no-frequency noise and lower the fire struck. They took only the poster above. Since Friday, everything was in place, and Sunday was no longer, I believe that the act of vandalism occurred during the day or evening of Saturday, March 5. That Saturday, noon, late (around 3 pm) observed that there were two fires in that area, and although advised the ranger, he was off the clock work and could not attend. Perhaps they have been the same people who brought posters and trash. Sunday also saw a red and blue painted on river rocks on the beach of natural bar Cuesta Blanca. Give thanks to the power of water may soon return to us the beauty of the rock in its natural state.

In the first photo, are the mainstays of trash, and trash and put itself started further back. In the second, painted on the rock. I have not broken photo lineup.

Tuesday, 8 March - The difficulties of control

early Tuesday 8 saw a tent in the Reserve area in front of the stone of the whale (see photo) and called the police. They told me they could not come at the time, but later they would. An hour later I advised the ranger and the community, by text message, but the tent is still there. About two hours later, Leo Barbera (guard-room volunteer) also saw the tent, and he called the police. They replied that the motive was in the high peaks and for that reason could not come. Leo also spoke with Sebastian, the ranger who told him he was out of hours and days of work, but anyway, when I could, try to go. Neither we could go, and the tent remained. At noon I contacted Andrea Jordan, insisting on the subject, and she asked the police to be. A police visited the area on foot (the mobile phone was not available) but could not find the tent, which was among the bushes, just visible from the road or beach. Only at the evening, Sebastian could get there, finding the tent and calling for the disarming. This highlights the difficulties we have to check that standards are met, despite signage.

Saturday March 12 - Art in the stream water points

was a cloudy, cold day, we met with San Antonio residents to express through painting, the problem of the stream has dried up. Of course, the painting was in tables and plates, not on the rocks! The paintings were then cast to the side of the stream. Some of us, we also used to collect enough trash that had accumulated in the sector.

Sunday March 13 - Tours

was a cool, sunny Sunday. Daniel Renison toured the area by noon, but since that time almost there were no visitors, he devoted himself almost all the time collecting garbage, and pruning shears, also cut some shoots of exotic plants (grateus, elm and others) that were choking the native ones. Furthermore, he found a seedling sprouting of Moradillo, who had been burned by the fire of a barbecue. He was one of the trees we had planted in April 2010 (see photo).


Incidents alcohol

Leo Barbera that one day a group of young alcoholics River would be leaving the glass bottles behind them. He called and asked them to take them away. Staggering, a member of the group went looking. Those are the bottles that are broken then cause accidents and cuts to children and adults. I also commented that young people often watch alcoholics are thrown into the river from the rocks, without considering the possibility of an accident. Article 4 of the National Law 24788, regulated by March 2009, prohibits the use of alcoholic beverages in public. Why is not met on our beaches? Would prevent accidents and bad times.

A mysterious container

I said a neighbor in the area of \u200b\u200bcharming streets that several neighbors are concerned, for about three years for a container that were buried in that area. Have heard that in other parts of Cordoba and the world have been secretly buried containers with toxic materials from the first world, and wonder if there will be a case of those. While at one time were said to items sent from Spain to the Civil Association "Cuesta Blanca Working Group" to help in case of disaster, residents were not entirely convinced and remain concerned about the issue. Does anyone has more on this?

Córdoba is not ready for Embalse nuclear accident

According to statements by Raúl Montenegro (FUNAM), the Embalse plant is located on a fault line and may be affected by strong earthquakes. The province has three zones of seismic activity: 2 (moderate), 3 (reduced) and 4 (very small). As for the nuclear reactor and spent nuclear fuel tank, also highly radioactive, are subject to accidental impact of a large-sized commercial aircraft or be the target of terrorist act. in the province, decided to extend 25 years of reservoir life without environmental impact study and public hearing. Montenegro also declared that the Embalse reactor has suffered numerous accidents, and that the plant never properly reported failures.


April 9, 2011. Argentinos Ecosystem output in Cuesta Blanca. The output will be all day (from 9 am we are on the bridge of Cuesta Blanca). Travel the path of interpretation and work on the refurbishment of the seedlings planted in Reserve Cuesta Blanca so they can spend the winter (tutors and protection). In addition, we will plant some more trees, particularly where persistent attempts to make fire, to help deter.

May 7, 2011. Water: natural capital and social capital. There will be three lectures and a final debate. Will be at 17 am in the hotel lounge "Cuesta Blanca" (FATF).

have to look . "Planned obsolescence." Very good. Http://

Phone ranger. have any environmental problem can call the community rangers: 03541-15665543.

Trash. The March 31, 2011 is the deadline that gave the municipality to place garbage cans, with lids (information from the community bulletin February).

rangers Schedule environments

Sunday March 20. Elisa Riffo.

Sunday 27 March. Volunteers are needed

Sunday 3 April. Volunteers are needed

Sunday 10 April. Volunteers are needed.

plants saws

Cortadera or Plumerillo (Cortaderia selloana )

all know, in addition to beautifying the banks of the river, is widely used as ornamental throughout the world. It also has medicinal uses.

Did you know ...

time that adults spend outdoors is reduced by 26% in Australia, between 1997 and 2006? Conversely, the time in front of media increased. This reduction of contact with nature and the outdoors has negative consequences for health. (Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2006).

Text: Ana M. Cingolani

Friday, March 18, 2011

Getting Space From Scorpio

Vicenta 2011, Concha and contribute their experiences Carmen Benito Zambrano

Vicenta Camacho, Carmen Arrojo Concha Carter and wanted to contribute their hard experiences in the jails for "La voz dormida" de Benito Zambrano.
His first-person testimony will certainly fit the movie into a reality that no one knows better than them.
Click here to view the video

How Much Fat Is There In A Bag Of Rice

"will be a crude film, but also tender and poetic"

The huge barracks the Madrid suburb of Camp, doned awaiting a real estate transaction that revalue its ruins, have suddenly become a strange time warp. Soldiers yoke and arrows on the front watch a group of people huddle in front of a post office. Graffiti on the wall ensures all: "Homeland, bread and justice" , Falangist slogan created by Ramiro Ledesma and popularized by José Antonio Primo de Rivera in a speech in January 1936. Homeland yes, of course, but not so much bread and justice, judging by the faces of sadness and malnutrition of the unfortunate who keep the queue to deliver their packages and envelopes.
Feeling Living in the harsh winter of 1940 hit fades when you see a nun there frantically typing next generation mobile. Welcome to the filming of Voice asleep, adaptation of the novel by Dulce Chacón directed by Benito Zambrano. Thorough cleaning

"The film takes place between November 1940 and May 1941. A terrible moment in history. The Franco regime, aided by a booming German fascism, had no mercy. Exterminated in a brutal way to everything it sounded to left, opposition or simple difference. national Catholic movement was characterized by a inhuman behavior, on his total lack of compassion, "says Zambrano (Lebrija, 1965) during a shooting break, while eating with the rest of the team in a derelict and poorly plastic covering the windows.
The asleep voice is the classic novel that I recommended a friend and five minutes of beginning to read it and you're hooked, "says the director. The book, published by Alfaguara (2002), code-fiction narrated the plight of several women reprisals during the war. Fatal incidents such as Hortensia, sentenced to death during pregnancy and shot after the birth of his son. "The book grew from the personal need to know the history of Spain that I had told . We focused on women because they were the protagonists of history that never was. That voice is silenced, "he said Dulce Chacón after publishing the novel. The writer, born in Badajoz in 1954, died in 2003.
" The film is crude and hard component, but also tender and poetic " , says the director of Andalusia, who does not want to bury the cries of "dignity" of her heroines. "I like movies that make you laugh and mourn. asleep Voice is a story of pain, but also of love. Love between two sisters. Love solidarity between comrades in prison. And love, too, an ideology. dignity and love prevail over the pain and repression "Zambrano ditch. Conclusion: do not look here smiles and tears, but dignity and tears.

(News Pú collection)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How Long Is Opalescence Good

HOMEROBOTIK Entrepreneurs Fair in Bogotá

Bogotá, February 4. The technology-based company, Home Robotics, was selected by the Chamber of Commerce to participate in the Seventh Exhibition of young entrepreneurs in Bogotá and the region from March 31 to April 2, 2011 in Corferias.

HomeRobotik In this fair will unveil its product portfolio and services in the field of robotics, automation, building automation and URBOT. In this occasion will present the latest designs in digital signage technology, multimedia, digital intelligent buildings and a new system of smart municipalities to take free internet to schools, hospitals, police stations and fire in Colombian municipalities.

The fair will host the implementation of the Third Business Roundtable of Young Entrepreneurs, which is expected to attend over 70 domestic buyers. In 2009, more than 400 entrepreneurs gathered at this event and managed expectations of business for more than 6,500 million pesos.

HomeRobotik was selected by the Chamber of Commerce for this event considering the high technological innovation of its products and dynamism of its Manager, Engineer Oscar Guzman, who is a member of IEEE Network Consulting Colombia.

Friday, March 11, 2011

How To Remove Black Spots From My Lcd Tv

Report of the protos " COUSINS "in Glamour magazine

now understand a little better why "Cousins" is so real, close ... because of them have their Protas, is there a feeling or not? Bravo Inma and Quim, handsome, good actors, professionals, ... what best young English film quarry. Here you have:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Black Hair Stylist Winnipeg


This text is a model for developing a charter of citizen oversight to a state contract. HEADER

In Bogotá, on the 5th day of March 2011, being 10 AM, met the people whose names and identification listed below: TABLE

Assistance ID Card

E-mail Name Phone Address

The Assembly adopted the following agenda:

1 - Establishment of assistance

2 - Appointment of President and Secretary of the Assembly
3 - Defining the purpose of the meeting.
4 - Role, Scope and Limitations of oversight.
5 - Nomination and Appointment of Overseers
6 - Selection and various


1 - VERIFICATION OF ATTENDANCE: It checks the list of attendees as identified in the table header of this report.
2 - APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY: The attendants agreed to appoint as President of the Lord _______________, Electronic Engineering students - Faculty of Engineering of the University District and as Secretary to the Lord _________________, Electrical Engineering Student of the same University.
3 - DEFINING THE PURPOSE OF THE MEETING: The Assembly was convened by the members' own initiative, at the headquarters of the Faculty of Engineering of the University District, Carrera 7 No. 40-62, piso 5, to form the group study "Contract Interventoría of the University District and develop a Veeduría Citizens, as established by Law 850 of 2003 and 142 of District Council Agreement of Bogotá, 2005. Whereas members Veeduría Citizen is a civic exercise referred to in the constitution and laws and that it is important to an academic exercise to give continuity to the topics studied in the subject 'Contracts Interventoría, after considering several options, agree to conform a so-called Citizen Veeduría "_________________________________________________ PROJECT ", which covers the state contracts that are listed below:

Interventoría CONSTRUCTION 432N 432-20102010 • Contracting
Contractor: CONSORTIUM Contein-TECMO
date: June 8, 2010.
Completion date: February 28, 2011.
Contract value: $ 24,737,125,708.00 (twenty-four thousand seven hundred thirty-seven millones one hundred twenty-five thousand seven hundred and eight pesos)
436-2010201 436A CONTRACT
Interventoría Employer: IDRD.
date: June 8, 2010.
Completion date: March 28, 2011.
Contract value: $ 562,395,860.00 (562,395,000 ochocientos sixty dollars)

4 - FUNCTION, SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS OF THE Veeduría. The functions of this Veeduría Citizens will be verifying the procedures and how the state agency, the contractor and the auditor of the contract in question made the correct management and implementation of public resources, monitor the quality and execution of works, apply of the inspectors, contractors and contracting authorities for reporting, budgeting and technical data, which show the performance of contracts and programs, and meeting reports are due on veeduríaestipuladas know the law 850 of 2003 and the 142 Agreement 2005. SCOPE AND TERRITORY: It was agreed that the territory is the Special District. LIMITATIONS AND LONG: It was agreed to exercise oversight for six (6) months or until the date of the term or final settlement of the said contracts and in any event may be terminated at any time by mutual agreement of the members of the oversight.

5 - APPLICATION AND APPOINTMENT OF VEEDORES: Those present at the Assembly were nominated for suppliers. The following was submitted to the application of the present as suppliers, and attendees voted in the affirmative by the premises, who accepted the nomination and were elected under suppliers. Consequently, suppliers were designated as follows persons:
Name E-mail Phone Card

sign was agreed these minutes for those who participated in two originals in the same vein, one of whom shall be registered in the Personaría of Bogota, in the study of personality ADDRESS LOCAL COORDINATOR, Carrera 7a. No. 21-24, for relevant legal purposes. Mr Been authorize _______________________ to serve as chief spokesman for the supplier group's dealings with the entities involved. The committee will address the city of Bogotá, Cundinamarca Department. It was agreed to attach to this record photocopies of the ballots participants. It was agreed to hold a meeting during the first fortnight of every month to check the progress of this oversight. Having exhausted the agenda for the meeting will adjourn at 1 pm on March 5, 2011. As evidence of the above is signed by:

President Secretary of the General Assembly

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Which Nipple Pierced Man

Inma Cuesta VOICE stars sleep with Maria Leon

Today I bring you video of the presentation of the movie "THE VOICE sleep" with the main actors and the director.
Click here to view the video

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What Does An Extra Vertebra Do To Posture

and planted in the Plaza Mayor!

Madrid back to the picture of postwar times
Benito Zambrano wheel in the Plaza Mayor scenes his new film 'The voice asleep'

JOSE PEDRO DE LA CARRERA - Madrid - 24/02/2011

this morning and for almost 40 minutes the Plaza Mayor of Madrid has turned back the clock and has been dyed a true atmosphere of war. The culprit this time travel has been the film director Benito Zambrano, who was filming at the site of the capital one of the many scenes of her upcoming movie Voice asleep based on the novel by the writer Dulce Chacón .

few minutes after 12.00 you could hear the first "action", which was home to a full day of recording. At that time about 60 passers-by crowded behind safety fences to witness some detail of the scenes, take photographs or simply greet the actors wore costumes typical of the 40's. The main actors in the film are: Inma Cuesta, María León, Marc Clotet and Daniel Holguin.

Among the set installed in the main square was, among other things, a modest local benches and tables from which hung small flags with the Nazi swastika. After an hour of recording the production crew and actors, about 50 people in total, has taken a break to eat something and then continue. At that time dozens of people have used to take pictures with the actors.

Juan David Laverde, a person who was most of the shooting watching the recordings, said that "it is good to rescue historic periods of Spain, will certainly be a contribution to the culture." Another of those who came to the square was Anwar Farran. "I want my picture with the actors, are well characterized!" He commented. Sergio Rodriguez, who liked the scenery, "Zambrano is a good director and is sure to be a good movie."

The film began filming last week and is scheduled to finish filming in late March or early April. Zambrano has directed films like Solas (1998) which won five Goya awards and Habana Blues, a film French-English-Cuban in 2005 he won the prize for best film Turia English.

Friday, March 4, 2011

How Do Find What Year My Burton Snowboard Is



Sunday 20 February - Tours

The day dawned cloudy but it was pleasant, and there was a moderate influx of visitors. Fernando Barri distributed about 30 leaflets with environmental standards of conduct, always well received. Near the campsite, some visitors advised him to leave some brochures to the owner. Luckily, he found no one who wanted to roast off-enabled, but as usual, had some leftover roasted recent previous. He gathered some trash, though less than I expected. Most of the beach area near the barbecue industry. Fernando recommend putting a trash can as close to the beach, but of course out of reach of the flood. Later arrested a group that was circulating with off-road quads. He explained what could only travel on roads enabled. Suggests putting a sign at the entrance of the trails that go up the mountain to the prohibition of entry of quads and motorcycles. Fernando also stresses the problem of cigarette butts on the beach. Suggests putting up posters asking visitors to take their butts (the beach is no ashtray ").

Sunday February 27 - Tours

was a beautiful day and not too hot, very pleasant to walk. Marco Pizarro coordinated with Sebastian (community park ranger), which would leave a little later, for both traveling on different sectors of the coast, and thus cover more and better the area. Marco toured the lower zone of the river (sector 3 of the Reserve Cuesta Blanca). He spoke with a neighbor who lives next to the river, who told him that read our newsletters and he always keeps the area clean and the river from home. He also said that in the area of \u200b\u200bthe river there is little signage, and he made several requests to the municipality asking for more signs. Marco was walking up the river, and gathered little junk, just a few bags tangled in trees that brought the flood. On the way to the beach Nightingale met a man who congratulated him for the work he was doing. On the beach there Nightingale many people quiet and clean. Many visitors finally found the way to the beach of FATF. He gathered some diapers and remains picnic, but no remains of roasted recorded recently. In the beach bar a couple FATF is always said that many people leave trash, and that those holding the concession should address to encourage people to keep clean. Marco explained that by growing, you can not put garbage cans on the beach. Then crossed to the other side of the river, and returned to the bridge (the area above it ran Sebastian, but I have not heard of its travel). He collected more garbage and walking back to the beach Nightingale, owner of the parking lot of the area welcomed the work done. He said he always cleans his area, and had to ask a lady who came over because he always left lying diapers.

Tours - We need a little help

The guardambientes volunteers try to be, even a while, every Sunday, almost two years. Thus, working with the task of community rangers, and show the visitor the presence of neighbors in the care of the place. Sometimes we find it difficult to sustain the task, and would help us greatly if some of you (whether or not residents of Cuesta Blanca) join us from time to time in some way. Thus, we would not be alone and the task becomes easier. During the summer, two citizens of Buenos Aires to have a house in Cuesta Blanca (Laura and Gabriela), accompanied us and was very exciting to share the activity.


Phone ranger

have any environmental problem can call the community rangers: 03541-15665543

burning branches

Some residents have noticed thick smoke in home gardens Cuesta Blanca. It is burning branches, something that is not allowed in the Province of Córdoba. Even I know that some residents have exchanged unfriendly words with close neighbors were burning. The burning of branches is problematic many reasons (not just the risk of fire, which at this time is low). The most evident is the air pollution (not the same mild smoke a roast, smoke from burning branches). In the commune told me that before the observation of burning branches, must be reported to the fire.

United Assemblies of the Sierras (even if!)

During February 2001, formed a union of local assemblies, involving different groups with environmental concerns, particularly related to the problem of the Sierras de Córdoba. The purpose of the Even if it is "joining forces to defend the application of environmental laws and constitutional principles to ensure the preservation of life." Punilla AUnSi participate in the South Wake up and ADARSA, among others. Indeed, I believe it is necessary to unite many forces that environmental laws are enforced. You can read more details on the blog:


The March 31, 2011 is the deadline that gave the municipality to place garbage cans, with lids (Information from the February community newsletter). In the photos we have an example of a perfect trash, and an example of how not to be garbage. Those who live here, we know that the bags hang are short lived, as a huge variety of domestic and wild animals (some with wings) is dedicated to break for food, scattering and waste.


April 9, 2011. Argentinos Ecosystem output in Cuesta Blanca. The output will be all day (from 9 am). Proceed along the path interpretation and will work on the design of the seedlings planted in Reserve Cuesta White so they can spend the winter (tutors and protection). In addition, we will plant some more trees, particularly where persistent attempts to make fire, to help deter.

May 7, 2011. Symposium Water, natural capital and social capital. To be remembering the date, and give them more information.

article about the problem of biological invasions worldwide . Written by Mack and colleagues, and is a very comprehensive article, translated into English, which are explained in great detail the causes, mechanisms and consequences of biological invasions, with examples from around the world.

Seedlings. The community is giving away seedlings of native species (information from the community newsletter Feber). Call to find out when they can retire.

Survey natural resource management in the basin San Roque Lake. This study is being conducted by Dr. Ramiro Berardo and his working group, and sent us a report with the first results of their surveys. We have uploaded to our blog, for anyone who wants to see . If you can not see it on the blog, I'll be asking me.

Why not be cut everything that grows? A neighbor sent me this link. It's a nice blog which explains why it is important to the vegetation, even when dry. It's worth taking a look

Schedule rangers environments

Sunday 6 March. Ana Cingolani

Sunday 13 March. Volunteers are needed

Sunday 20 March. Volunteers are needed

Sunday 27 March. Volunteers are needed

plants saws

Margarita stone ( Zexmenia buphtalmiflora )

This plant is blossomed in many places in Cuesta Blanca. It is a simple daisy yellow, large flower, very beautiful, it grows in rocky places.

Did you know ...

increases in greenhouse gases caused by humans have contributed to the intensification of extreme precipitation events (and subsequent flooding) in the Northern Hemisphere? This is because the higher temperature increases the capacity of the atmosphere to hold water, and thus precipitating water. (Source: Ki-Min et al. Nature 470. February 2011).

Text: Ana M. Cingolani