Friday, March 18, 2011

How Much Fat Is There In A Bag Of Rice

"will be a crude film, but also tender and poetic"

The huge barracks the Madrid suburb of Camp, doned awaiting a real estate transaction that revalue its ruins, have suddenly become a strange time warp. Soldiers yoke and arrows on the front watch a group of people huddle in front of a post office. Graffiti on the wall ensures all: "Homeland, bread and justice" , Falangist slogan created by Ramiro Ledesma and popularized by José Antonio Primo de Rivera in a speech in January 1936. Homeland yes, of course, but not so much bread and justice, judging by the faces of sadness and malnutrition of the unfortunate who keep the queue to deliver their packages and envelopes.
Feeling Living in the harsh winter of 1940 hit fades when you see a nun there frantically typing next generation mobile. Welcome to the filming of Voice asleep, adaptation of the novel by Dulce Chacón directed by Benito Zambrano. Thorough cleaning

"The film takes place between November 1940 and May 1941. A terrible moment in history. The Franco regime, aided by a booming German fascism, had no mercy. Exterminated in a brutal way to everything it sounded to left, opposition or simple difference. national Catholic movement was characterized by a inhuman behavior, on his total lack of compassion, "says Zambrano (Lebrija, 1965) during a shooting break, while eating with the rest of the team in a derelict and poorly plastic covering the windows.
The asleep voice is the classic novel that I recommended a friend and five minutes of beginning to read it and you're hooked, "says the director. The book, published by Alfaguara (2002), code-fiction narrated the plight of several women reprisals during the war. Fatal incidents such as Hortensia, sentenced to death during pregnancy and shot after the birth of his son. "The book grew from the personal need to know the history of Spain that I had told . We focused on women because they were the protagonists of history that never was. That voice is silenced, "he said Dulce Chacón after publishing the novel. The writer, born in Badajoz in 1954, died in 2003.
" The film is crude and hard component, but also tender and poetic " , says the director of Andalusia, who does not want to bury the cries of "dignity" of her heroines. "I like movies that make you laugh and mourn. asleep Voice is a story of pain, but also of love. Love between two sisters. Love solidarity between comrades in prison. And love, too, an ideology. dignity and love prevail over the pain and repression "Zambrano ditch. Conclusion: do not look here smiles and tears, but dignity and tears.

(News Pú collection)


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