Friday, March 4, 2011

How Do Find What Year My Burton Snowboard Is



Sunday 20 February - Tours

The day dawned cloudy but it was pleasant, and there was a moderate influx of visitors. Fernando Barri distributed about 30 leaflets with environmental standards of conduct, always well received. Near the campsite, some visitors advised him to leave some brochures to the owner. Luckily, he found no one who wanted to roast off-enabled, but as usual, had some leftover roasted recent previous. He gathered some trash, though less than I expected. Most of the beach area near the barbecue industry. Fernando recommend putting a trash can as close to the beach, but of course out of reach of the flood. Later arrested a group that was circulating with off-road quads. He explained what could only travel on roads enabled. Suggests putting a sign at the entrance of the trails that go up the mountain to the prohibition of entry of quads and motorcycles. Fernando also stresses the problem of cigarette butts on the beach. Suggests putting up posters asking visitors to take their butts (the beach is no ashtray ").

Sunday February 27 - Tours

was a beautiful day and not too hot, very pleasant to walk. Marco Pizarro coordinated with Sebastian (community park ranger), which would leave a little later, for both traveling on different sectors of the coast, and thus cover more and better the area. Marco toured the lower zone of the river (sector 3 of the Reserve Cuesta Blanca). He spoke with a neighbor who lives next to the river, who told him that read our newsletters and he always keeps the area clean and the river from home. He also said that in the area of \u200b\u200bthe river there is little signage, and he made several requests to the municipality asking for more signs. Marco was walking up the river, and gathered little junk, just a few bags tangled in trees that brought the flood. On the way to the beach Nightingale met a man who congratulated him for the work he was doing. On the beach there Nightingale many people quiet and clean. Many visitors finally found the way to the beach of FATF. He gathered some diapers and remains picnic, but no remains of roasted recorded recently. In the beach bar a couple FATF is always said that many people leave trash, and that those holding the concession should address to encourage people to keep clean. Marco explained that by growing, you can not put garbage cans on the beach. Then crossed to the other side of the river, and returned to the bridge (the area above it ran Sebastian, but I have not heard of its travel). He collected more garbage and walking back to the beach Nightingale, owner of the parking lot of the area welcomed the work done. He said he always cleans his area, and had to ask a lady who came over because he always left lying diapers.

Tours - We need a little help

The guardambientes volunteers try to be, even a while, every Sunday, almost two years. Thus, working with the task of community rangers, and show the visitor the presence of neighbors in the care of the place. Sometimes we find it difficult to sustain the task, and would help us greatly if some of you (whether or not residents of Cuesta Blanca) join us from time to time in some way. Thus, we would not be alone and the task becomes easier. During the summer, two citizens of Buenos Aires to have a house in Cuesta Blanca (Laura and Gabriela), accompanied us and was very exciting to share the activity.


Phone ranger

have any environmental problem can call the community rangers: 03541-15665543

burning branches

Some residents have noticed thick smoke in home gardens Cuesta Blanca. It is burning branches, something that is not allowed in the Province of Córdoba. Even I know that some residents have exchanged unfriendly words with close neighbors were burning. The burning of branches is problematic many reasons (not just the risk of fire, which at this time is low). The most evident is the air pollution (not the same mild smoke a roast, smoke from burning branches). In the commune told me that before the observation of burning branches, must be reported to the fire.

United Assemblies of the Sierras (even if!)

During February 2001, formed a union of local assemblies, involving different groups with environmental concerns, particularly related to the problem of the Sierras de Córdoba. The purpose of the Even if it is "joining forces to defend the application of environmental laws and constitutional principles to ensure the preservation of life." Punilla AUnSi participate in the South Wake up and ADARSA, among others. Indeed, I believe it is necessary to unite many forces that environmental laws are enforced. You can read more details on the blog:


The March 31, 2011 is the deadline that gave the municipality to place garbage cans, with lids (Information from the February community newsletter). In the photos we have an example of a perfect trash, and an example of how not to be garbage. Those who live here, we know that the bags hang are short lived, as a huge variety of domestic and wild animals (some with wings) is dedicated to break for food, scattering and waste.


April 9, 2011. Argentinos Ecosystem output in Cuesta Blanca. The output will be all day (from 9 am). Proceed along the path interpretation and will work on the design of the seedlings planted in Reserve Cuesta White so they can spend the winter (tutors and protection). In addition, we will plant some more trees, particularly where persistent attempts to make fire, to help deter.

May 7, 2011. Symposium Water, natural capital and social capital. To be remembering the date, and give them more information.

article about the problem of biological invasions worldwide . Written by Mack and colleagues, and is a very comprehensive article, translated into English, which are explained in great detail the causes, mechanisms and consequences of biological invasions, with examples from around the world.

Seedlings. The community is giving away seedlings of native species (information from the community newsletter Feber). Call to find out when they can retire.

Survey natural resource management in the basin San Roque Lake. This study is being conducted by Dr. Ramiro Berardo and his working group, and sent us a report with the first results of their surveys. We have uploaded to our blog, for anyone who wants to see . If you can not see it on the blog, I'll be asking me.

Why not be cut everything that grows? A neighbor sent me this link. It's a nice blog which explains why it is important to the vegetation, even when dry. It's worth taking a look

Schedule rangers environments

Sunday 6 March. Ana Cingolani

Sunday 13 March. Volunteers are needed

Sunday 20 March. Volunteers are needed

Sunday 27 March. Volunteers are needed

plants saws

Margarita stone ( Zexmenia buphtalmiflora )

This plant is blossomed in many places in Cuesta Blanca. It is a simple daisy yellow, large flower, very beautiful, it grows in rocky places.

Did you know ...

increases in greenhouse gases caused by humans have contributed to the intensification of extreme precipitation events (and subsequent flooding) in the Northern Hemisphere? This is because the higher temperature increases the capacity of the atmosphere to hold water, and thus precipitating water. (Source: Ki-Min et al. Nature 470. February 2011).

Text: Ana M. Cingolani


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