Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Unsecured Loan Services



Sunday March 6 zo - Tours

On Sunday, somewhat cloudy but warm and part of the long weekend, many visitors came to Cuesta Blanca. I did the tour, between 12 noon and 16 hours. Handed out many brochures and talked to some neighbors and visitors. All were very well disposed and some congratulated me for the work they do. A group that got out for a barbecue, had no problems in going to the sector enabled when they warned. Another group was planning to camp, but went to the camp site when they realized that they could not do elsewhere. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe grills were some groups with music volume is not high, but not bother each other because there were many people. Some sent me the trouble by the music of others, and so I asked everyone to come down. The person who collects the parking lot told me that he would continue to control. I explained that several times, visitors barbequing in places not argued that they did not want me to go to the barbecue by the lack of peace, and that is why it was important to control.

During the tour, I noticed that in the sector against natural bar Cuesta Blanca (FATF) had taken out a lineup and loosed a trash can. The poster, before being broken, consisted of two images. Above was the icon no-frequency noise and lower the fire struck. They took only the poster above. Since Friday, everything was in place, and Sunday was no longer, I believe that the act of vandalism occurred during the day or evening of Saturday, March 5. That Saturday, noon, late (around 3 pm) observed that there were two fires in that area, and although advised the ranger, he was off the clock work and could not attend. Perhaps they have been the same people who brought posters and trash. Sunday also saw a red and blue painted on river rocks on the beach of natural bar Cuesta Blanca. Give thanks to the power of water may soon return to us the beauty of the rock in its natural state.

In the first photo, are the mainstays of trash, and trash and put itself started further back. In the second, painted on the rock. I have not broken photo lineup.

Tuesday, 8 March - The difficulties of control

early Tuesday 8 saw a tent in the Reserve area in front of the stone of the whale (see photo) and called the police. They told me they could not come at the time, but later they would. An hour later I advised the ranger and the community, by text message, but the tent is still there. About two hours later, Leo Barbera (guard-room volunteer) also saw the tent, and he called the police. They replied that the motive was in the high peaks and for that reason could not come. Leo also spoke with Sebastian, the ranger who told him he was out of hours and days of work, but anyway, when I could, try to go. Neither we could go, and the tent remained. At noon I contacted Andrea Jordan, insisting on the subject, and she asked the police to be. A police visited the area on foot (the mobile phone was not available) but could not find the tent, which was among the bushes, just visible from the road or beach. Only at the evening, Sebastian could get there, finding the tent and calling for the disarming. This highlights the difficulties we have to check that standards are met, despite signage.

Saturday March 12 - Art in the stream water points

was a cloudy, cold day, we met with San Antonio residents to express through painting, the problem of the stream has dried up. Of course, the painting was in tables and plates, not on the rocks! The paintings were then cast to the side of the stream. Some of us, we also used to collect enough trash that had accumulated in the sector.

Sunday March 13 - Tours

was a cool, sunny Sunday. Daniel Renison toured the area by noon, but since that time almost there were no visitors, he devoted himself almost all the time collecting garbage, and pruning shears, also cut some shoots of exotic plants (grateus, elm and others) that were choking the native ones. Furthermore, he found a seedling sprouting of Moradillo, who had been burned by the fire of a barbecue. He was one of the trees we had planted in April 2010 (see photo).


Incidents alcohol

Leo Barbera that one day a group of young alcoholics River would be leaving the glass bottles behind them. He called and asked them to take them away. Staggering, a member of the group went looking. Those are the bottles that are broken then cause accidents and cuts to children and adults. I also commented that young people often watch alcoholics are thrown into the river from the rocks, without considering the possibility of an accident. Article 4 of the National Law 24788, regulated by March 2009, prohibits the use of alcoholic beverages in public. Why is not met on our beaches? Would prevent accidents and bad times.

A mysterious container

I said a neighbor in the area of \u200b\u200bcharming streets that several neighbors are concerned, for about three years for a container that were buried in that area. Have heard that in other parts of Cordoba and the world have been secretly buried containers with toxic materials from the first world, and wonder if there will be a case of those. While at one time were said to items sent from Spain to the Civil Association "Cuesta Blanca Working Group" to help in case of disaster, residents were not entirely convinced and remain concerned about the issue. Does anyone has more on this?

Córdoba is not ready for Embalse nuclear accident

According to statements by Raúl Montenegro (FUNAM), the Embalse plant is located on a fault line and may be affected by strong earthquakes. The province has three zones of seismic activity: 2 (moderate), 3 (reduced) and 4 (very small). As for the nuclear reactor and spent nuclear fuel tank, also highly radioactive, are subject to accidental impact of a large-sized commercial aircraft or be the target of terrorist act. in the province, decided to extend 25 years of reservoir life without environmental impact study and public hearing. Montenegro also declared that the Embalse reactor has suffered numerous accidents, and that the plant never properly reported failures.


April 9, 2011. Argentinos Ecosystem output in Cuesta Blanca. The output will be all day (from 9 am we are on the bridge of Cuesta Blanca). Travel the path of interpretation and work on the refurbishment of the seedlings planted in Reserve Cuesta Blanca so they can spend the winter (tutors and protection). In addition, we will plant some more trees, particularly where persistent attempts to make fire, to help deter.

May 7, 2011. Water: natural capital and social capital. There will be three lectures and a final debate. Will be at 17 am in the hotel lounge "Cuesta Blanca" (FATF).

have to look . "Planned obsolescence." Very good. Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QosF0b0i2f0&feature=player_embedded

Phone ranger. have any environmental problem can call the community rangers: 03541-15665543.

Trash. The March 31, 2011 is the deadline that gave the municipality to place garbage cans, with lids (information from the community bulletin February).

rangers Schedule environments

Sunday March 20. Elisa Riffo.

Sunday 27 March. Volunteers are needed

Sunday 3 April. Volunteers are needed

Sunday 10 April. Volunteers are needed.

plants saws

Cortadera or Plumerillo (Cortaderia selloana )

all know, in addition to beautifying the banks of the river, is widely used as ornamental throughout the world. It also has medicinal uses.

Did you know ...

time that adults spend outdoors is reduced by 26% in Australia, between 1997 and 2006? Conversely, the time in front of media increased. This reduction of contact with nature and the outdoors has negative consequences for health. (Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2006).

Text: Ana M. Cingolani


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