Thursday, March 31, 2011

Can Chicken Pox Make A Woman Sterile?

11/04/1915 31/03/1911


Sunday March 20 - Tours

was a nice day pretty busy. Elisa Riffo toured the area, handing out leaflets, collecting trash and talking with visitors. Do not find anybody trying to make a fire in places not. Many of the people I spoke said that they loved the place and posters, and they were happy with the standards of conduct.

Long weekend (24 to 27 March) - Tours and other herbs

On Friday late afternoon, Elisa Riffo from home and a fire was detected, as a guard-room, to warn visitors about the ban. There were two or three families were together, and wanted to heat water for drinking mate. Complained about the cost of the grill (10 $ per person), and said they had seen the posters. Reluctantly, he put out the fire before the notice of Elisa.

During Saturday night, I detected noise pollution in the river (drums and some shouting). At dawn I went to the beach at La Ballena, where the noise came, and there was a group of teenagers celebrating a birthday. They had made a fire. They were from a house nearby. I explained to the kids and adults who were with them that the fires were prohibited and Cuesta Blanca was a free commune noise. I told them if not all collaborate in that these standards are met, soon becomes very difficult to keep calm and conserve nature of the place. The boys were very polite, but it is important to understand that even those who live or have a house here, we meet the same standards we ask that the district issued. One of them, with good humor, he said, "but then Cuesta Blanca is a commune of boring people." To which I replied "Yes, but we are entitled." And he wisely replied "true."

Finally, on Sunday 27, Leo Barbera made the rounds of the afternoon. Began at 12:30 pm and ended at 14:25. There were few visitors and no attempt to fire. He collected enough trash long weekend. He said that the area is a dirtier far from the bridge to the descent of the Nightingale (bottles, rusty cans, diapers), while from the bridge up, there is always proportionally less waste. Another comment I read is that many times together all the rubbish that lies between his house and the bridge on the outward journey, and already on the way back again to be garbage. Since there are streets that pass many visitors, it follows that the neighbors are contributing to soil. Leo handed out leaflets and talked to many people, all very nice and well predisposed. For example, a father showed him how he kept in his pocket the papers which were put Band-Aids to their children.


home trash containers

containers always elicit some sort of incident or complaint. One reason why many residents refuse to put it is that visitors or residents of other homes put their trash in outside containers (ie, the one). After two days of having placed the basket on my brand new house, a lady got out of his car and tried to bring their bags. It was hard because it was already full. Daniel Renison stared at her without saying anything. As I could not finish their homework, got nervous and asked "can put the garbage here, right?. To which Daniel replied, "No! Are you from a house from here Nearby. " She said her house was a little further. Daniel explained that he then had to be a container itself, as the commons were for visitors. She said she was renting, and left their trash in the container community, which is opposite to ours.

The mysterious buried container

A person who works in the Civil Association "Working Group Cuesta Blanca told me that the mysterious container buried in the street area is not haunted toxic elements but non-perishable foods are donated to Spain to help in case of disaster. For example, when flooding occurred in Santa Fe, extruded foods were sent there.


April 1, 2011. 16 to 18 pm at the Visitor Center Cuesta Blanca. Gardening workshop with native plants. Do not miss this!

April 9, 2011. output Ecosystem Argentinos in Cuesta Blanca. 9 am on the bridge.

During the morning

-Traveled the path "clump Serrano" - observation of birds and vegetation. Bring binoculars.

-Put up posters missing in the path (to which they are willing to work a little.)

During the afternoon

-seedling planting and refurbishment earlier in the Reserve Cuesta Blanca (bridge, road to the water treatment plant).

-Elimination of regrowth of exotic species. Bring pruning shears.

No cost

Guiding output: Ana Cingolani, Daniel Renison and Joaquin Piedra

May 7, 2011. 17 hours in the hotel lounge Cuesta Blanca (FATF). Symposium "Water: natural capital and social capital." The speakers will be Daniel Renison, "The landscape and natural capital", Ramiro Berardo, "Social capital and management of water" and Melissa Giorgis: "How much water? Then there will be a discussion moderated by Gustavo Peyrotti. Commune organized Cuesta Blanca, group-care environments and ecosystems Argentine volunteers.

rangers Schedule environments

Sunday 3 April. Ricardo Mattano

Sunday 10 April. Fernando Barri

Sunday 17 April. Volunteers are needed

Sunday 24 April. Volunteers are needed

plants saws

field Bouquet (Eupatorium argentinum )

is common in the Sierras Chicas and Sierras Grandes, but does not reach very high. Cuesta Blanca is in bloom now, and full of bees, we must seize to see because it is very pretty.

Did you know ...

in the Humid Pampa, afforestation (pine and eucalyptus) raise salinity of groundwater from three to thirty times? In almost all cases, the resulting values \u200b\u200bare above safe levels for human consumption. (Source: Jobbágy et al. 2006. Science Today 16 (95): 12-21)

Text: Ana M. Cingolani


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