Thursday, March 10, 2011

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This text is a model for developing a charter of citizen oversight to a state contract. HEADER

In Bogotá, on the 5th day of March 2011, being 10 AM, met the people whose names and identification listed below: TABLE

Assistance ID Card

E-mail Name Phone Address

The Assembly adopted the following agenda:

1 - Establishment of assistance

2 - Appointment of President and Secretary of the Assembly
3 - Defining the purpose of the meeting.
4 - Role, Scope and Limitations of oversight.
5 - Nomination and Appointment of Overseers
6 - Selection and various


1 - VERIFICATION OF ATTENDANCE: It checks the list of attendees as identified in the table header of this report.
2 - APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY: The attendants agreed to appoint as President of the Lord _______________, Electronic Engineering students - Faculty of Engineering of the University District and as Secretary to the Lord _________________, Electrical Engineering Student of the same University.
3 - DEFINING THE PURPOSE OF THE MEETING: The Assembly was convened by the members' own initiative, at the headquarters of the Faculty of Engineering of the University District, Carrera 7 No. 40-62, piso 5, to form the group study "Contract Interventoría of the University District and develop a Veeduría Citizens, as established by Law 850 of 2003 and 142 of District Council Agreement of Bogotá, 2005. Whereas members Veeduría Citizen is a civic exercise referred to in the constitution and laws and that it is important to an academic exercise to give continuity to the topics studied in the subject 'Contracts Interventoría, after considering several options, agree to conform a so-called Citizen Veeduría "_________________________________________________ PROJECT ", which covers the state contracts that are listed below:

Interventoría CONSTRUCTION 432N 432-20102010 • Contracting
Contractor: CONSORTIUM Contein-TECMO
date: June 8, 2010.
Completion date: February 28, 2011.
Contract value: $ 24,737,125,708.00 (twenty-four thousand seven hundred thirty-seven millones one hundred twenty-five thousand seven hundred and eight pesos)
436-2010201 436A CONTRACT
Interventoría Employer: IDRD.
date: June 8, 2010.
Completion date: March 28, 2011.
Contract value: $ 562,395,860.00 (562,395,000 ochocientos sixty dollars)

4 - FUNCTION, SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS OF THE Veeduría. The functions of this Veeduría Citizens will be verifying the procedures and how the state agency, the contractor and the auditor of the contract in question made the correct management and implementation of public resources, monitor the quality and execution of works, apply of the inspectors, contractors and contracting authorities for reporting, budgeting and technical data, which show the performance of contracts and programs, and meeting reports are due on veeduríaestipuladas know the law 850 of 2003 and the 142 Agreement 2005. SCOPE AND TERRITORY: It was agreed that the territory is the Special District. LIMITATIONS AND LONG: It was agreed to exercise oversight for six (6) months or until the date of the term or final settlement of the said contracts and in any event may be terminated at any time by mutual agreement of the members of the oversight.

5 - APPLICATION AND APPOINTMENT OF VEEDORES: Those present at the Assembly were nominated for suppliers. The following was submitted to the application of the present as suppliers, and attendees voted in the affirmative by the premises, who accepted the nomination and were elected under suppliers. Consequently, suppliers were designated as follows persons:
Name E-mail Phone Card

sign was agreed these minutes for those who participated in two originals in the same vein, one of whom shall be registered in the Personaría of Bogota, in the study of personality ADDRESS LOCAL COORDINATOR, Carrera 7a. No. 21-24, for relevant legal purposes. Mr Been authorize _______________________ to serve as chief spokesman for the supplier group's dealings with the entities involved. The committee will address the city of Bogotá, Cundinamarca Department. It was agreed to attach to this record photocopies of the ballots participants. It was agreed to hold a meeting during the first fortnight of every month to check the progress of this oversight. Having exhausted the agenda for the meeting will adjourn at 1 pm on March 5, 2011. As evidence of the above is signed by:

President Secretary of the General Assembly


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