Friday, November 26, 2010

Chevrolet Tahoe Body Change



Saturday November 6 - Planting native species with the boys in the power

came the students of the art "of Restoration Ecology at the Faculty of Sciences, Romina Torres and other teachers. As part of a practical, planted 11 saplings (a molle, a carob, a gorse-eight Moradillo) in sector 1 of the Reservation, near the area where we planted last year. In addition, disarmed a fire and gathered a bit of trash and glass. With them was a while Inés García (voluntary environmental rangers) who told them the work we do the neighbors in the Reserve, and thanked them for coming to help.

Thursday, November 18 - Planting native species garden boys

Students Balcarce Merceditas Garden Saint Martin (Icho Cruz) came to Cuesta Blanca with their teachers (Silvia, Patricia and Maria) to plant native trees in the reserve. The Coopi helped the group pay for the kids could come up here. Pepper trees planted, Moradillo, carob, pimples, Cucharero, horco-Moller, apple and chilli field (also called stick-milk, or tilefish). Emiliano helped us, Mario, Andrea and Sandra, in the commune of Cuesta Blanca. It also helped us a lot in July and Ivan. July is Argentine and Ivan Ecosystem is our group of volunteer rangers environments. Of course the parents who accompanied the boys also worked a lot, planting, caring for children and watering. Furthermore, with the help of Emily put a sign can be seen in the photo: "We are recovering the native forest. Kindergarten of Icho Cruz. "

Sunday 14 November - Travels

Fernando Barri made the journey. The day was cloudy but warm, with many visitors. Fernando spoke with several of them directly in the path, as they were coming, and gave them brochures. Most knew of the grills, and headed directly to the sector enabled. Near the bridge before the Water Treatment Plant, a couple was already almost finished with the roast. Fernando challenged them a little and apologized, saying they did not know (But now there are many signs!), And promised to turn it off well. Fernando says it collected more trash than usual, for the most number of visitors.

Sunday 21 and Monday 22 November - Travels

Emiliano Sunday made his last tour as a ranger in Cuesta Blanca. It was very hot and there were people early. In the background to the southwest were dark clouds and thunder was heard. For this reason, Emiliano not only explained the rules of conduct for visitors, but also should take precautions against a possible rising river. Later, a downpour fell short, and most of the visitors left. But as the sun is out, more visitors came to the afternoon, and Emily gave all indications of the growing.

On Monday 22 rained almost all day, the river rose (see picture on what's new) and almost no visitors. Despite the rain and posters, a small group with two tents set up after noon in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Piedra del Indio. I went to tell them that they could not camp, and told them where I was camping.


resolutions on clearing, litter and noise nuisance

The clearing, garbage and noise pollution were considered by locals as the priority environmental problems Cuesta Blanca in 2007. This came six environmental workshops organized by the Commune, and open to all neighbors. During 2009, more workshops were held where we discussed with neighbors to the policies implemented and to implement on these problems.

As a result of this process, we currently have three resolutions in force regulating the problems of garbage, clearing and noise. The Municipality has provided the text of the resolutions, and we hung these texts on our blog: .

The resolutions came at the request of the neighbors, and were discussed widely by all those who want to participate. It is now important that all work together so that regulations are applied. This is important to make a claim to the district when we detect any violation of these rules.

grown River

Having had a very dry month and a half, the rains of the week was very welcome. Especially heavy rain and continued on Monday 22, which allowed wet the soil well and produced a nice growing river.

replacement Emiliano

The community is already seeking a replacement for Emily. Hopefully that is effected soon!


Sunday December 18 . 17 hours. We gathered at Pueblo Grande native plant seedlings the premises. Pueblo Grande and Ecosystems invite Argentinos.

Cuesta Blanca Nursery . Sell \u200b\u200b native plant species. cel: (03541) 15 33 44 58 (Ivan).

increased risk Cuesta White. I have available a report entitled "Threat sudden increasing in the town of Cuesta Blanca, province of Córdoba", authored by Rodrigo M. Ugarte, Osvaldo L. N. Barbeito and Silvio Ambrosino. The work is very interesting maps of flood risk areas, and pictures of the flooding of 1992. As it is a little heavy, not attached control, but stiffened on request.

cooperative Link Rio Ceballos . This link will find some interesting articles about water management and care

rangers Schedule environments

Sunday November 28 . Elisa Riffo

Sunday 5 December. Ana Cingolani

Sunday 12 December. Shortage of volunteers.

Sunday 19 December. Shortage of volunteers.

Saturday 25 December. Shortage of volunteers.

Sunday 26 December. Shortage of volunteers.

plants saws

Puma (Puma concolor)

I took poetic license. This kitten is not a plant or even eat plants. But I saw Marco Pizarro in the Pampa de Achala while I was looking plants. It is unusual to find such a bug, so I share with you (the photo credit is Marco).

Did you know ...

during the month of September 2010 in Cuesta Blanca rained 29 mm and 26 mm in October? Averages (1994-2010) for these months are of 26.6 mm and 64.6 mm respectively. (Source: Ronaldo Renison).

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Aka Recomendation Letter


The ultimate goal of government contracting is the fulfillment of state purposes, as set out in article 3. of the laws 80 of 1993 and 1150 2007.
And what are the purposes of the Colombian state?
Article 2 º. of the Constitution of 1991 lists a significant number of late been so:
• serve the community,
• promote general prosperity,
• ensure the implementation of the principles, rights and duties (which appear in the Constitution)
• facilitate the participation of all members Colombian community in matters within its competence (economic, political, administrative and cultural),
• defend national independence,
• maintain its territorial integrity,
• ensuring peaceful and secure life of a just order.
also appear for other purposes throughout the state constitution that can be integrated with the aims of the State, expressed in the preamble, the social purposes, and more.
Some authors define the state as the set of institutions with authority and power to establish rules governing a society, having internal and external sovereignty over a given territory. Max Weber (1919) defined the state as an institutional unit in the interior of a territory for itself monopolizes the use of legal force.
CHECK: Saturday November 27 at 10 am in room 201 of Sabio Caldas final evaluation will be carried Interventoría semester course for engineers. The evaluation will be a space for the verification of these concepts on the mission, functions and responsibilities of the engineer against the contract. Also check
management is having the student gets on the constitutional and legal concepts on government contracts, its origin, its execution and settlement. Be assessed knowledge of the law 80 and / or 1150 of state contracting in Colombia.
The evaluation consists of ten questions in context, in relation to a real or hypothetical case in which frame the issues to be solved at each point. The first nine points will be worth two points and the last point has a value of twelve units.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tampon Was Stuck Stomach Hurts

On Saturday November 27 at 10 am in room 201 of Sabio Caldas final evaluation will be carried Interventoría semester course for engineers. The evaluation will be a space for the verification of these concepts on the mission, functions and responsibilities of the engineer against the contract. Also check
management is having the student gets on the constitutional and legal concepts on government contracts, its origin, its execution and settlement. Assess knowledge of the law 80 and / or 1150 of state contracting in Colombia.
The evaluation consists of ten questions in context, in relation to a real or hypothetical case in which frame the issues to be solved at each point. The first nine points will be worth two points and the last point has a value of twelve units.

Friday, November 12, 2010

White Dresses For Sorority Initation


Cuesta Blanca free community noises (SEE NEWS)


Thursday, 28 October - Recognizing native species garden boys

Merceditas Garden Kids Balcarce San Martín (Icho Cruz) came to Cuesta Blanca. With the collaboration of the Coopi, we are working on a project designed for them to start learning about plants and native landscapes. Joaquin Piedra (park rangers Cuesta Blanca) told them about the Reserve Cuesta Blanca and the need to take care. Besides playing on the beach, work on recognition species. Boys, formed in groups, they had to find different species and attach a card with photo. We work with the molle, gorse, cutting, apple field, pepper, vinaigrette (a yellow flower yuyito), carob, chañar Moradillo, piquillín and straw mountain.

Over the next week, the boys were in Icho Cruz River with teachers and some mothers. The teachers were asked to observe if they could find native plants that had learned to recognize. They could only find a distant and much vinagrillo carob. The children remembered the names of plants, and knew how to distinguish from other species.

Wednesday 27 - Census Day

Last night two or three groups had camped on the coasts, in sector 1 of the Reserve Cuesta Blanca, despite the signs. To my notice the next morning the ban on camping, disarmed the tents. They told me that some residents, day visitors were put loud music and at least one group by roasting in an area where there was sign of prohibition. This confirms that posters should always be accompanied by a check, even if the neighbors, to be effective.

Sunday 31 October - Tours

was a warm and sunny days, and early and had movement. Emily toured the area and found people who were doing roast, despite new signs indicating the prohibition, and noting the location of the grill. Warned them of the rules and put out the fire. More visitors later found trying to start the roast in places not and posters. Before the notice of Emiliano, they were all the roasters sector. It also warned the issue of cleanliness and garbage collection. Nightingale In the fall of all was quiet, with many visitors. In the evening, and having seen the posters with the ban, a group was making a fire in the beach. Notice to the mine, quickly faded.

Saturday November 6 - Output recognition

During this exit, which was made Saturday afternoon, work on the recognition of some plant species (star field salvialora, croton, piquillín, rosemary, white sage, tears of the Virgin and many others) and we talked about different strategies that plants have to face the challenges of nature and man (ice, water shortages, insect herbivores, fire, etc). And, of course we enjoyed the river water and some good mates. Around collect garbage from the beach of the hippies and the path.

Sunday 7 November - Tours

was a very hot day. Silvia Leo and toured the area. There were many visitors but no trying to make a fire in places not, or making noise. They collected enough trash, including empty cement bags that were flown from the building next to the bridge. Leo says that asking visitors to respect the place clean, all respond well and explained that they always take care and take the trash baskets. Leo wonders if it would have to study more about this interesting issue of garbage that is played alone.


Cuesta Blanca noise-free commune annoying

community President Andrea Jordan replied to the letter delivered by the guard-rooms in May. In its response, dated October 29, 2010, Andrea confirms the decision Cuesta Blanca to keep as a free city noise. The same letter also answer the other points raised by the group-care settings, all successfully. The full text of the letter and the resolutions in force on noise pollution, waste and clearing can be found in .

grateus Removing the Reserve Cuesta Blanca

Emiliano Galli and Daniel Renison grateus removed some of the Reserve, in a garden where the kids are going to plant some native trees. When removing the grateus, they freed several Moradillo saplings and other species already quite large right. Many invasive species such as grateus, being the fastest growing native drown trying to break through, but grow slower.

Emiliano leaves us

Emiliano Galli, one of the communal guards, will stop working for the Commune of Cuesta Blanca in late November. The township is looking for a replacement, but meanwhile, rangers will be left without support environments for tours on Sundays. For this reason, we especially all the neighbors to help us in controlling the environmental standards of conduct, talking to visitors who do not respect the instructions of the posters, or by calling the police.

Aqueduct Repair

The Coopi repaired the aqueduct that was missing a few months ago . Before the drought that we're living again, is great news.

new posters placed by the municipality

In total, the district placed during the month of October 9 posters. Eight of these icons (3 doubles and 5 singles, with the ban on lighting fires, camping and emit noises), and a sign indicating directions to the barbecue. The posters were distributed in the sector 1 of the reserve on the slope of the Nightingale, on the bridge and the barbecue industry.


Nursery Cuesta Blanca. Sale of native plant species. cel: (03541) 15 33 44 58 (Ivan).

increasing risk in Cuesta Blanca. I have available a report entitled "Threat sudden increasing in the town of Cuesta Blanca, province of Córdoba" authored by Rodrigo M. Ugarte, Osvaldo L. N. Barbeito and Silvio Ambrosino. The work is very interesting maps of flood risk areas, and pictures of the flooding of 1992. As it is a little heavy, not attached control, but stiffened on request.

cooperative Link Rio Ceballos. In this link you will find some interesting articles about water management and care

rangers Schedule environments

Sunday 14 November. Fernando Barri

Sunday 21 November. Emiliano Galli

Monday November 22 (holiday). Ana Cingolani

Sunday 28 November. Elisa Riffo

plants saws

Tear of the virgin ( Nothoscordum arenarium)

is a striking family seedling onions and garlic. Bulb has a tapered, elongated, 2 to 3 cm in length, which to survive during cold and dry. It flowers from September to late March, and these days it can be seen dotting the mountain yuyales.

Did you know ...

in 13 mountainous areas of the world have detected a total of 972 alien species outside of farming? Of these, about half were introduced for ornamental purposes, forest or others, and began to play alone. (Source: McDougall et al. 2010. Diversity & Distributions).

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Age Of Empires 2 2.0 No Cd

mismanagement have''hijacked''to Fondelibertad

Caracol TV presented a report on 9 denoviembre of 2010 which states that "In the background that manages money for victims of kidnapping and the fight against this crime is from waste to administrative disheveled. This is established an audit report that reveals For example, award of contracts to finger. " According to the news the audit report was ordered by the Ministry of Defence. (Photo: Internet)

regard must ask: What are the documents prior to awarding a state contract? What are the principles of recruitment in state institutions? What is the objective selection process? What are the procedures for authorizing payments of state contracts? How a state contract is settled?

View video of the newscast:

Monday, November 8, 2010

How Can I Get My Period To Start Pressure Point

Are there fees for the services of the Auditor Engineer?

for Germain Cabuya Parra, Specialist Senior Management in the State.

To answer the question we must distinguish the role and functions of / the engineer, auditor, engineer planner or design engineer of the project because there are differences in the degree of responsibility incumbent on each engineering work .

Some theorists believe that Engineering Projects "if the fee auditor should observe the concept of a fixed sum, is to submit to the risk of the unexpected, which can lead to carelessness on the quality of services and which flies in their commitment to the quality of the project "[Norte de Santander Society of Engineers, 1996].

Auditor participation is a function of time commitment to project implementation, however can not be responsible directly for the duration of the contract. Because if the contractor is late and get extensions to their time, as often happens, the auditor has no why absorb cost overruns resulting from the passage of time. In addition, their commitment to the purpose, cost, schedule, quality requirements and obligations of the parties to the contract imposes an obligation to ensure the completion of the project without delay, delay, or lag behind the term originally agreed.

Returning to the question about what the service fee for the engineer Auditor, one must observe in Colombia has made a career the idea of \u200b\u200b10% of the contract value to be monitored. Why not 2% or 12%?

The Rate Reference Manual for the Procurement of Professional Engineering Services of the Colombian Association of Engineers - ACIEM Chapter Cundinamarca, submitted on October 29, 2009, 5% raises the Interventoría ara Technique and 4% for the Administrative Interventoría. Also, 5% raises for Audit * [ACIEM, 2009].

• Interventoría: Article 32 of Law 80 of 1993, re contextualized in the 1150 Act, 2007 appears exotic word: Inspection, as follows: "In construction contracts that were entered as a result of competitive bidding or public, the interventoría must be contracted with an independent person of the procuring entity and contractor, who shall be responsible for the acts and omissions as may be attributable as provided in Article 53 of this statute ... " and then said: "They are also consulting contracts that are intended to interventoría, consulting, construction management or project management, programming and implementation of designs, drawings, blueprints and plans ..." For precision semantics a definition for Interventoría-nor to CIRCUITRY-in dictionary of the Royal Academic of the English Language.

Then, it returns to the word CONTROLLER law, thus: "No order of the supervisor of a work may be made orally. Controller is required for orders submitted in writing or suggestions and they must be framed within the terms of the contract concerned "(Art. 32 Law 80). Articles 53 and 56 of the Act, the legislature again refer to (the) AUDITOR (S) and its criminal, civil and disciplinary.

CONTROLLER, RA, is defined in the Dictionary of the English language: "1. adj. Involved (eg, engineer controller). 2. m. and f. Person who authorizes and oversees certain operations to ensure its correctness (eg, the comptroller of the contract) "[DRAE]. • AUDIT-

feminine noun. In English means "the review of the accounts of a company, a society, etc.., Conducted by an auditor." And by extension auditor referred to several functions including: "A person appointed by the court among those chosen by the bishop or between collegial court judges, whose mission is to collect evidence and give them to the judge," "Officer of the legal body military reports the interpretation or application of laws and proposes the corresponding resolution in court proceedings and other educated in the military or military region where its fate "and other uses [DRAE]. State entities in Colombia, the audit is usually conducted by officials of the internal control advisory office. Some U.S. government agencies require that the auditor of contracts is a certified auditor.

way of thinking are the following questions: Are only civil engineers auditors? How do you quantify the cost of control and supervision of an engineering project? Is it 10%? What purchases of goods and technology services to the state only involves civil engineering and architecture? What civil works and additional works to the Colosseum Camping, matching the street 26 for Bogota's TransMilenio routes, etc., Do not enter the electrical engineering, electronic systems, industrial, cadastral, forest? What are the responsibilities of the Controller against the Constitution and the laws of Colombia?

Friday, November 5, 2010

What Does A High Soft Cervix Mean


students "Interventoría for Engineers of Electrical and Electronics from the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas pesentarán case studies recruited subjects investigated and collected in the form of a booklet and video.
Videos on state contracts will be socialized on Saturday November 6, 2010 from 10 AM to 1 PM, in Room Maloka Mediatheque, Carrera 68D No. 40A-51 (Salitre). How to get to Maloka? Http://

In the cases studied will be how to avoid failures in the implementation of mega-projects of state agencies. The work produced by students are part of the overall assessment of knowledge, aptitutes and attitudes learned during the semester.
The pedagogical purpose of this event is to motivate the student of engineering in the use of ICT and audiovisual technologies in education.
This activity takes place within the conceptual framework of contemporary pedagogies, from a humanistic approach to teaching-learning process. immersed in constructivism, which part of the responsibility of the subject on their own learning process.
This event promotes the formation of skills through fun, creative pedagogy, for students of different specialties to build their knowledge, skills and qualifications as leaders in engineering projects but in direct connection with the social, environmental, economic, political and administrative in our country. Interventoría for Engineers is a course designed and developed by Professor Germain Cabuya Parra.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Men Hair Wax St. Louis


for Germain Cabuya Parra, Senior Management Specialist of the State.

"is the natural or legal person representing the University in the contract, to monitor implementation and enforce the obligations arising from it" as read from the Circular 028 of 2004, signed by the Manager Financial Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

should differentiate the concept of "judicial auditor, who is a Person, judicially declared, who shall control the affairs of the debtor on behalf of the interests of creditors, as definene the texts of legal obligations.

Some agencies define roles and responsibilities for the Auditor, but do not define it as such. For example, the Directorate Generla Administrative Senate of the Republic of Colombia issued the document "PROCESS MANAGEMENT RESOURCES", which means you more than twelve responsabilities to the Comptroller. Among them, the Verify that the Payment Certification of the Account monthly bill submitted by the Contractor shall deduct the amount payable
the amortization of the advance. Likewise, established as synonyms and word AUDITOR SUPERVISOR, see: "Thread PERFORMANCE RESUPUESTAL; PROCEDURE FOR PAYMENT OF ADVANCES, 20Procedimiento% 20for% 20the% 20anticipo.pdf 20pago%

In Article 32 of Law 80 of 1993, Law 1150 recontextualized in 2007, appears the exotic word: Interventoría "," On construction contracts which have been concluded as a result of a bidding process or public tender, the interventoría must be contracted with an independent person of the procuring entity and contractor ... "

The semantic problem is that there is no definition of that word in the dictionary of the Royal Academic of the English Language.
In the word search CONTROLLER is the definition of the Dictionary of the English language as well:

controller, ra

1. adj. and s. involved.
2. m. and f. Employee authorizes and oversees certain operations or activities that occur under law:
3. In an election, a person designated to monitor the development and authorize result of them, along with other board members:
working as auditor of the UN during the elections in African countries.

This document is part of a presentation by the author of this blog,

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Women Shaving Percentage

Community Response to paper presented a few months ago. SAVE-ENVIRONMENT BULLETIN

Finally the community responded formally presented the letter to him on 6 May (if they want to see is here ). I personally consider it a great story and everyone I spoke to the subject felt similarly. So that everyone can draw their own conclusions, the transcribed below:

Cuesta Blanca, October 29, 2010.

Save Al-Environments Group Volunteers and Ms. Ana Cingolani (Coordinator).

In my consideration:

As President C omunal express, through this, the positions that we as a Community Committee in relation to concerns raised by the Save-Environments Group volunteers in our meeting on May 6, 2010.

  1. Commune widely recognizes and values \u200b\u200bthe voluntary work that the group is doing in the area of \u200b\u200beducation and environmental preservation, both to visitors and local residents. That's why we reaffirm our support for have undertaken community work and contribute from governance actions to strengthen these activities.

  2. In relation to noise nuisance, the commitment from the commune still not allow the use of music and / or distracting noise in open (public) or private property. We confirm that the resolution on noise pollution is in full force and has been applied to arbitrate any means necessary. In addition, investigations are underway to acquire a allow us to establish decibelímetro noise parameters against certain situations. To implement its use, along with Area community environment, is analyzing a series of values \u200b\u200bthat can objectively measure the noise. It is our intention to stand firm in the decision to Cuesta Blanca is a community free from noise nuisance, a position that corresponds to the profile location we have been defending.

  3. On the other hand, we want to inform you that l as resolutions of: noise pollution, with amendments and extensions, waste, and creation of the Reserve Cuesta Blanca, and have numbers and are force. Namely:

    • Resolution on Noise Nuisance, No. 131/04, as amended in 2006 and 2009, dated August 26, 2009. (Copy attached).

    • Waste Resolution No. 430/09, dated August 26, 2009, discussed in committee meeting, according to Act No. 460. (copy attached).

    • Resolution on Creation of Communal Reserve Cuesta Blanca, No. 441, contained in the minutes dated August 26, 2009 and is in effect.

(4) For the creation of the path of interpretation "Serrano grove, have resumed negotiations for signing the corresponding agreement between FUVA, the Commune and Ecosystems Argentinos, with the intention to formalize the implementation of the path. At today's date a meeting has been finalized for the first day of July between the community and the new head of the Department of Tourism FUVA, to convey a picture of the characteristics of the path, because the person has changed responsible and therefore must re-start the negotiations. In this process, the district is committed to ensuring follow-up to finally be able to formalize the agreement is signed.

(5) For that rangers more time meeting their work, especially in high season or fire, is a possibility that is being evaluated from the commune, but now can not be guaranteed by difficulties resources.

In order to continue to maintain contact and continue working in a coordinated way in protecting the environmental quality of the inhabitants of Cuesta Blanca, I greet you cordially.

Maria Andrea Jordan



The note refers to 3 resolutions community, also attach 2 of them then most of clearings for the present not to take

Resolution on noises, Waste Resolution and Resolution on clearing .

Monday, November 1, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Grow 3 Mm Of Leg Hair



Thursday October 14 - Knowing the mountain landscape garden with children

As part of a project designed for kids to start know the native plants and landscapes, we went out together with the teachers, assistants and some mothers to look at the mountains from a Icho Cruz. The children drew pictures depicting what they saw. Later, in the garden, we talked and compared the views of the mountains of Córdoba to other landscapes in the country and the world.

Saturday 16 October - Open Meeting Guarda environments

Marco had promised a beer for the meeting but was not. So, as always, the mate was the one who accompanied us. We did an assessment of what worked during the first year of the group, and all present agreed that the balance was very positive. Progress was made in achieving environmentally sustainable town and generating behavior visitors according to that profile. In addition, it is generally working well and in coordination with the Commune.

also discuss possible solutions to two problems that we consider most important: (1) the difficulty we have to sustain the presence of guards or guard-rooms every Sunday and (2) the possibility of further enabling enterprises to cause noise nuisance in the town in the next and future summers.

(1) Regarding the first issue, it was noted that both communal and rangers rangers environments are key volunteers to care for the place and strengthen the ecological profile. It was also noted that many residents who for various reasons can not participate in the weekly rides, anyway help in different ways with the duties of care and control. This support is important, and a way to make it more visible would be that all those who are collaborating with some action, send an email telling briefly the events for incorporation into reports.

(2) On the second issue, we are in total uncertainty about what will happen this summer, as the Commune we never answered the letter where we raised this issue (see comments below). Anyway, it was suggested that since it is really a regional problem, it could be a general meeting, calling on residents of the valley, to discuss joint strategies. It was also mentioned that there was a warning to the hostel of the rock bridge held on Sunday 3 October. The warning note referred to the noise nuisance regulations currently in force.

Sunday 17 October - Tours

Very early, before the regular schedule of tours, Inés García toured the sector 1 of the Reservation and collected some garbage as well as accommodate the protection of seedlings, made of acacia branches grateus and black, to avoid consumption by animals. As mother's day, there were very few visitors. Daniel Renison made the rounds at the usual time, and spoke with two families. Later, as was without people, decided to go down the road (see photo) all the junk that was accumulated in the field of FUVA, in the output path of interpretation. The next day the truck collected the Commune.

Sunday 24 October - Tours

Fernando Barri toured the area. As it had rained the day started very quiet. There was a family and two groups of kids doing roast on spits. One of these groups Fernando told them the place, because although the posters had not been located. Everyone took good directions and a group that was listening to the loud music down before Fernando told them nothing. He gathered some trash, but have long emphasized that cigarette butts are the major source of pollution on our beaches. Is a danger that we are little aware, particularly for children playing lot with the sand. Fernando suggested to specific posters on the subject. He also comments that the area of \u200b\u200bthe grill over missing a waste container, as noted more trash in places that are further from existing containers.

Two visitors from Buenos Aires he said they were pleasantly surprised at how clean and care of the place. Suggests that environments rangers do a small survey of visitors, specifically asking whether they agree with the rules of environmental behavior.

Finally, and as a lover of nature, counted 21 different species of wild birds in the course. Like Joaquin believes that Cuesta Blanca is one of the best places to watch birds in the region.



The community has placed new signs in the Reserve. Now we have a visible indication of where the grill, and several more with some of the prohibitions.

Letter delivered to the Commune in May

have no response to the letter delivered by the group of volunteer rangers in the meeting rooms with Andrea Jordan communal president in May 2010. To view the text of our letter and comment on the subject, go to .


Saturday November 6, 2010. Output rangers guided environment for everyone. We will meet at 14 am in the Diquecito, and go upstream recognizing plants. Let's take this spring is very flowery and green, to learn more about our flora. Everyone is invited to come.

Nursery Cuesta Blanca. Sale of native plant species. cel: (03541) 15 62 77 92 (Ivan).

increasing risk in Cuesta Blanca. I have available a report entitled "Threat sudden increasing in the town of Cuesta Blanca, province of Córdoba", authored by Rodrigo M. Ugarte, Osvaldo L. N. Barbeito and Silvio Ambrosino. The work is very interesting maps of flood risk areas, and pictures of the flooding of 1992. As it is a little heavy, not attached control, but stiffened on request.

solar water heater. I recommend installing a solar water heater, it is inexpensive, is environmentally friendly and works wonderfully well. . Cell 0351-154035529 (Rodrigo).

photo solar water heater installation process

rangers Schedule environments

remind everyone that the schedule for tours begin at 12:30

Sunday 31 October. Emiliano Galli

Sunday 7 November. Emiliano Galli (tbc). We need a volunteer.

Sunday 14 November. Emiliano Galli (tbc). We need a volunteer.

Sunday 21 November. Emiliano Galli (tbc). We need a volunteer.

Sunday 28 November. Emiliano Galli (tbc). We need a volunteer.

saws plants

Salvialora, Palo white or white Salvia (Buddleja cordobensis )

This plant is beautiful, do not forget to look on the shores of the river or anywhere else a little rocky. It is a arbustito, is flourishing now. They say the plant has antiviral properties.

Did you know ...

the energy crisis in Argentina is a natural gas crisis? Half of the energy consumed in Argentina comes from natural gas. Since 2000, stocks are falling sharply, and production is expected to be sustained no longer than 8 years. (Source: Ravinovich, G. 2010. Unica magazine. No. 110)