Friday, November 26, 2010

Chevrolet Tahoe Body Change



Saturday November 6 - Planting native species with the boys in the power

came the students of the art "of Restoration Ecology at the Faculty of Sciences, Romina Torres and other teachers. As part of a practical, planted 11 saplings (a molle, a carob, a gorse-eight Moradillo) in sector 1 of the Reservation, near the area where we planted last year. In addition, disarmed a fire and gathered a bit of trash and glass. With them was a while Inés García (voluntary environmental rangers) who told them the work we do the neighbors in the Reserve, and thanked them for coming to help.

Thursday, November 18 - Planting native species garden boys

Students Balcarce Merceditas Garden Saint Martin (Icho Cruz) came to Cuesta Blanca with their teachers (Silvia, Patricia and Maria) to plant native trees in the reserve. The Coopi helped the group pay for the kids could come up here. Pepper trees planted, Moradillo, carob, pimples, Cucharero, horco-Moller, apple and chilli field (also called stick-milk, or tilefish). Emiliano helped us, Mario, Andrea and Sandra, in the commune of Cuesta Blanca. It also helped us a lot in July and Ivan. July is Argentine and Ivan Ecosystem is our group of volunteer rangers environments. Of course the parents who accompanied the boys also worked a lot, planting, caring for children and watering. Furthermore, with the help of Emily put a sign can be seen in the photo: "We are recovering the native forest. Kindergarten of Icho Cruz. "

Sunday 14 November - Travels

Fernando Barri made the journey. The day was cloudy but warm, with many visitors. Fernando spoke with several of them directly in the path, as they were coming, and gave them brochures. Most knew of the grills, and headed directly to the sector enabled. Near the bridge before the Water Treatment Plant, a couple was already almost finished with the roast. Fernando challenged them a little and apologized, saying they did not know (But now there are many signs!), And promised to turn it off well. Fernando says it collected more trash than usual, for the most number of visitors.

Sunday 21 and Monday 22 November - Travels

Emiliano Sunday made his last tour as a ranger in Cuesta Blanca. It was very hot and there were people early. In the background to the southwest were dark clouds and thunder was heard. For this reason, Emiliano not only explained the rules of conduct for visitors, but also should take precautions against a possible rising river. Later, a downpour fell short, and most of the visitors left. But as the sun is out, more visitors came to the afternoon, and Emily gave all indications of the growing.

On Monday 22 rained almost all day, the river rose (see picture on what's new) and almost no visitors. Despite the rain and posters, a small group with two tents set up after noon in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Piedra del Indio. I went to tell them that they could not camp, and told them where I was camping.


resolutions on clearing, litter and noise nuisance

The clearing, garbage and noise pollution were considered by locals as the priority environmental problems Cuesta Blanca in 2007. This came six environmental workshops organized by the Commune, and open to all neighbors. During 2009, more workshops were held where we discussed with neighbors to the policies implemented and to implement on these problems.

As a result of this process, we currently have three resolutions in force regulating the problems of garbage, clearing and noise. The Municipality has provided the text of the resolutions, and we hung these texts on our blog: .

The resolutions came at the request of the neighbors, and were discussed widely by all those who want to participate. It is now important that all work together so that regulations are applied. This is important to make a claim to the district when we detect any violation of these rules.

grown River

Having had a very dry month and a half, the rains of the week was very welcome. Especially heavy rain and continued on Monday 22, which allowed wet the soil well and produced a nice growing river.

replacement Emiliano

The community is already seeking a replacement for Emily. Hopefully that is effected soon!


Sunday December 18 . 17 hours. We gathered at Pueblo Grande native plant seedlings the premises. Pueblo Grande and Ecosystems invite Argentinos.

Cuesta Blanca Nursery . Sell \u200b\u200b native plant species. cel: (03541) 15 33 44 58 (Ivan).

increased risk Cuesta White. I have available a report entitled "Threat sudden increasing in the town of Cuesta Blanca, province of Córdoba", authored by Rodrigo M. Ugarte, Osvaldo L. N. Barbeito and Silvio Ambrosino. The work is very interesting maps of flood risk areas, and pictures of the flooding of 1992. As it is a little heavy, not attached control, but stiffened on request.

cooperative Link Rio Ceballos . This link will find some interesting articles about water management and care

rangers Schedule environments

Sunday November 28 . Elisa Riffo

Sunday 5 December. Ana Cingolani

Sunday 12 December. Shortage of volunteers.

Sunday 19 December. Shortage of volunteers.

Saturday 25 December. Shortage of volunteers.

Sunday 26 December. Shortage of volunteers.

plants saws

Puma (Puma concolor)

I took poetic license. This kitten is not a plant or even eat plants. But I saw Marco Pizarro in the Pampa de Achala while I was looking plants. It is unusual to find such a bug, so I share with you (the photo credit is Marco).

Did you know ...

during the month of September 2010 in Cuesta Blanca rained 29 mm and 26 mm in October? Averages (1994-2010) for these months are of 26.6 mm and 64.6 mm respectively. (Source: Ronaldo Renison).


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