Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Aka Recomendation Letter


The ultimate goal of government contracting is the fulfillment of state purposes, as set out in article 3. of the laws 80 of 1993 and 1150 2007.
And what are the purposes of the Colombian state?
Article 2 º. of the Constitution of 1991 lists a significant number of late been so:
• serve the community,
• promote general prosperity,
• ensure the implementation of the principles, rights and duties (which appear in the Constitution)
• facilitate the participation of all members Colombian community in matters within its competence (economic, political, administrative and cultural),
• defend national independence,
• maintain its territorial integrity,
• ensuring peaceful and secure life of a just order.
also appear for other purposes throughout the state constitution that can be integrated with the aims of the State, expressed in the preamble, the social purposes, and more.
Some authors define the state as the set of institutions with authority and power to establish rules governing a society, having internal and external sovereignty over a given territory. Max Weber (1919) defined the state as an institutional unit in the interior of a territory for itself monopolizes the use of legal force.
CHECK: Saturday November 27 at 10 am in room 201 of Sabio Caldas final evaluation will be carried Interventoría semester course for engineers. The evaluation will be a space for the verification of these concepts on the mission, functions and responsibilities of the engineer against the contract. Also check
management is having the student gets on the constitutional and legal concepts on government contracts, its origin, its execution and settlement. Be assessed knowledge of the law 80 and / or 1150 of state contracting in Colombia.
The evaluation consists of ten questions in context, in relation to a real or hypothetical case in which frame the issues to be solved at each point. The first nine points will be worth two points and the last point has a value of twelve units.


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