Monday, November 8, 2010

How Can I Get My Period To Start Pressure Point

Are there fees for the services of the Auditor Engineer?

for Germain Cabuya Parra, Specialist Senior Management in the State.

To answer the question we must distinguish the role and functions of / the engineer, auditor, engineer planner or design engineer of the project because there are differences in the degree of responsibility incumbent on each engineering work .

Some theorists believe that Engineering Projects "if the fee auditor should observe the concept of a fixed sum, is to submit to the risk of the unexpected, which can lead to carelessness on the quality of services and which flies in their commitment to the quality of the project "[Norte de Santander Society of Engineers, 1996].

Auditor participation is a function of time commitment to project implementation, however can not be responsible directly for the duration of the contract. Because if the contractor is late and get extensions to their time, as often happens, the auditor has no why absorb cost overruns resulting from the passage of time. In addition, their commitment to the purpose, cost, schedule, quality requirements and obligations of the parties to the contract imposes an obligation to ensure the completion of the project without delay, delay, or lag behind the term originally agreed.

Returning to the question about what the service fee for the engineer Auditor, one must observe in Colombia has made a career the idea of \u200b\u200b10% of the contract value to be monitored. Why not 2% or 12%?

The Rate Reference Manual for the Procurement of Professional Engineering Services of the Colombian Association of Engineers - ACIEM Chapter Cundinamarca, submitted on October 29, 2009, 5% raises the Interventoría ara Technique and 4% for the Administrative Interventoría. Also, 5% raises for Audit * [ACIEM, 2009].

• Interventoría: Article 32 of Law 80 of 1993, re contextualized in the 1150 Act, 2007 appears exotic word: Inspection, as follows: "In construction contracts that were entered as a result of competitive bidding or public, the interventoría must be contracted with an independent person of the procuring entity and contractor, who shall be responsible for the acts and omissions as may be attributable as provided in Article 53 of this statute ... " and then said: "They are also consulting contracts that are intended to interventoría, consulting, construction management or project management, programming and implementation of designs, drawings, blueprints and plans ..." For precision semantics a definition for Interventoría-nor to CIRCUITRY-in dictionary of the Royal Academic of the English Language.

Then, it returns to the word CONTROLLER law, thus: "No order of the supervisor of a work may be made orally. Controller is required for orders submitted in writing or suggestions and they must be framed within the terms of the contract concerned "(Art. 32 Law 80). Articles 53 and 56 of the Act, the legislature again refer to (the) AUDITOR (S) and its criminal, civil and disciplinary.

CONTROLLER, RA, is defined in the Dictionary of the English language: "1. adj. Involved (eg, engineer controller). 2. m. and f. Person who authorizes and oversees certain operations to ensure its correctness (eg, the comptroller of the contract) "[DRAE]. • AUDIT-

feminine noun. In English means "the review of the accounts of a company, a society, etc.., Conducted by an auditor." And by extension auditor referred to several functions including: "A person appointed by the court among those chosen by the bishop or between collegial court judges, whose mission is to collect evidence and give them to the judge," "Officer of the legal body military reports the interpretation or application of laws and proposes the corresponding resolution in court proceedings and other educated in the military or military region where its fate "and other uses [DRAE]. State entities in Colombia, the audit is usually conducted by officials of the internal control advisory office. Some U.S. government agencies require that the auditor of contracts is a certified auditor.

way of thinking are the following questions: Are only civil engineers auditors? How do you quantify the cost of control and supervision of an engineering project? Is it 10%? What purchases of goods and technology services to the state only involves civil engineering and architecture? What civil works and additional works to the Colosseum Camping, matching the street 26 for Bogota's TransMilenio routes, etc., Do not enter the electrical engineering, electronic systems, industrial, cadastral, forest? What are the responsibilities of the Controller against the Constitution and the laws of Colombia?


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