Monday, November 1, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Grow 3 Mm Of Leg Hair



Thursday October 14 - Knowing the mountain landscape garden with children

As part of a project designed for kids to start know the native plants and landscapes, we went out together with the teachers, assistants and some mothers to look at the mountains from a Icho Cruz. The children drew pictures depicting what they saw. Later, in the garden, we talked and compared the views of the mountains of Córdoba to other landscapes in the country and the world.

Saturday 16 October - Open Meeting Guarda environments

Marco had promised a beer for the meeting but was not. So, as always, the mate was the one who accompanied us. We did an assessment of what worked during the first year of the group, and all present agreed that the balance was very positive. Progress was made in achieving environmentally sustainable town and generating behavior visitors according to that profile. In addition, it is generally working well and in coordination with the Commune.

also discuss possible solutions to two problems that we consider most important: (1) the difficulty we have to sustain the presence of guards or guard-rooms every Sunday and (2) the possibility of further enabling enterprises to cause noise nuisance in the town in the next and future summers.

(1) Regarding the first issue, it was noted that both communal and rangers rangers environments are key volunteers to care for the place and strengthen the ecological profile. It was also noted that many residents who for various reasons can not participate in the weekly rides, anyway help in different ways with the duties of care and control. This support is important, and a way to make it more visible would be that all those who are collaborating with some action, send an email telling briefly the events for incorporation into reports.

(2) On the second issue, we are in total uncertainty about what will happen this summer, as the Commune we never answered the letter where we raised this issue (see comments below). Anyway, it was suggested that since it is really a regional problem, it could be a general meeting, calling on residents of the valley, to discuss joint strategies. It was also mentioned that there was a warning to the hostel of the rock bridge held on Sunday 3 October. The warning note referred to the noise nuisance regulations currently in force.

Sunday 17 October - Tours

Very early, before the regular schedule of tours, Inés García toured the sector 1 of the Reservation and collected some garbage as well as accommodate the protection of seedlings, made of acacia branches grateus and black, to avoid consumption by animals. As mother's day, there were very few visitors. Daniel Renison made the rounds at the usual time, and spoke with two families. Later, as was without people, decided to go down the road (see photo) all the junk that was accumulated in the field of FUVA, in the output path of interpretation. The next day the truck collected the Commune.

Sunday 24 October - Tours

Fernando Barri toured the area. As it had rained the day started very quiet. There was a family and two groups of kids doing roast on spits. One of these groups Fernando told them the place, because although the posters had not been located. Everyone took good directions and a group that was listening to the loud music down before Fernando told them nothing. He gathered some trash, but have long emphasized that cigarette butts are the major source of pollution on our beaches. Is a danger that we are little aware, particularly for children playing lot with the sand. Fernando suggested to specific posters on the subject. He also comments that the area of \u200b\u200bthe grill over missing a waste container, as noted more trash in places that are further from existing containers.

Two visitors from Buenos Aires he said they were pleasantly surprised at how clean and care of the place. Suggests that environments rangers do a small survey of visitors, specifically asking whether they agree with the rules of environmental behavior.

Finally, and as a lover of nature, counted 21 different species of wild birds in the course. Like Joaquin believes that Cuesta Blanca is one of the best places to watch birds in the region.



The community has placed new signs in the Reserve. Now we have a visible indication of where the grill, and several more with some of the prohibitions.

Letter delivered to the Commune in May

have no response to the letter delivered by the group of volunteer rangers in the meeting rooms with Andrea Jordan communal president in May 2010. To view the text of our letter and comment on the subject, go to .


Saturday November 6, 2010. Output rangers guided environment for everyone. We will meet at 14 am in the Diquecito, and go upstream recognizing plants. Let's take this spring is very flowery and green, to learn more about our flora. Everyone is invited to come.

Nursery Cuesta Blanca. Sale of native plant species. cel: (03541) 15 62 77 92 (Ivan).

increasing risk in Cuesta Blanca. I have available a report entitled "Threat sudden increasing in the town of Cuesta Blanca, province of Córdoba", authored by Rodrigo M. Ugarte, Osvaldo L. N. Barbeito and Silvio Ambrosino. The work is very interesting maps of flood risk areas, and pictures of the flooding of 1992. As it is a little heavy, not attached control, but stiffened on request.

solar water heater. I recommend installing a solar water heater, it is inexpensive, is environmentally friendly and works wonderfully well. . Cell 0351-154035529 (Rodrigo).

photo solar water heater installation process

rangers Schedule environments

remind everyone that the schedule for tours begin at 12:30

Sunday 31 October. Emiliano Galli

Sunday 7 November. Emiliano Galli (tbc). We need a volunteer.

Sunday 14 November. Emiliano Galli (tbc). We need a volunteer.

Sunday 21 November. Emiliano Galli (tbc). We need a volunteer.

Sunday 28 November. Emiliano Galli (tbc). We need a volunteer.

saws plants

Salvialora, Palo white or white Salvia (Buddleja cordobensis )

This plant is beautiful, do not forget to look on the shores of the river or anywhere else a little rocky. It is a arbustito, is flourishing now. They say the plant has antiviral properties.

Did you know ...

the energy crisis in Argentina is a natural gas crisis? Half of the energy consumed in Argentina comes from natural gas. Since 2000, stocks are falling sharply, and production is expected to be sustained no longer than 8 years. (Source: Ravinovich, G. 2010. Unica magazine. No. 110)


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