Friday, November 12, 2010

White Dresses For Sorority Initation


Cuesta Blanca free community noises (SEE NEWS)


Thursday, 28 October - Recognizing native species garden boys

Merceditas Garden Kids Balcarce San Martín (Icho Cruz) came to Cuesta Blanca. With the collaboration of the Coopi, we are working on a project designed for them to start learning about plants and native landscapes. Joaquin Piedra (park rangers Cuesta Blanca) told them about the Reserve Cuesta Blanca and the need to take care. Besides playing on the beach, work on recognition species. Boys, formed in groups, they had to find different species and attach a card with photo. We work with the molle, gorse, cutting, apple field, pepper, vinaigrette (a yellow flower yuyito), carob, chañar Moradillo, piquillín and straw mountain.

Over the next week, the boys were in Icho Cruz River with teachers and some mothers. The teachers were asked to observe if they could find native plants that had learned to recognize. They could only find a distant and much vinagrillo carob. The children remembered the names of plants, and knew how to distinguish from other species.

Wednesday 27 - Census Day

Last night two or three groups had camped on the coasts, in sector 1 of the Reserve Cuesta Blanca, despite the signs. To my notice the next morning the ban on camping, disarmed the tents. They told me that some residents, day visitors were put loud music and at least one group by roasting in an area where there was sign of prohibition. This confirms that posters should always be accompanied by a check, even if the neighbors, to be effective.

Sunday 31 October - Tours

was a warm and sunny days, and early and had movement. Emily toured the area and found people who were doing roast, despite new signs indicating the prohibition, and noting the location of the grill. Warned them of the rules and put out the fire. More visitors later found trying to start the roast in places not and posters. Before the notice of Emiliano, they were all the roasters sector. It also warned the issue of cleanliness and garbage collection. Nightingale In the fall of all was quiet, with many visitors. In the evening, and having seen the posters with the ban, a group was making a fire in the beach. Notice to the mine, quickly faded.

Saturday November 6 - Output recognition

During this exit, which was made Saturday afternoon, work on the recognition of some plant species (star field salvialora, croton, piquillín, rosemary, white sage, tears of the Virgin and many others) and we talked about different strategies that plants have to face the challenges of nature and man (ice, water shortages, insect herbivores, fire, etc). And, of course we enjoyed the river water and some good mates. Around collect garbage from the beach of the hippies and the path.

Sunday 7 November - Tours

was a very hot day. Silvia Leo and toured the area. There were many visitors but no trying to make a fire in places not, or making noise. They collected enough trash, including empty cement bags that were flown from the building next to the bridge. Leo says that asking visitors to respect the place clean, all respond well and explained that they always take care and take the trash baskets. Leo wonders if it would have to study more about this interesting issue of garbage that is played alone.


Cuesta Blanca noise-free commune annoying

community President Andrea Jordan replied to the letter delivered by the guard-rooms in May. In its response, dated October 29, 2010, Andrea confirms the decision Cuesta Blanca to keep as a free city noise. The same letter also answer the other points raised by the group-care settings, all successfully. The full text of the letter and the resolutions in force on noise pollution, waste and clearing can be found in .

grateus Removing the Reserve Cuesta Blanca

Emiliano Galli and Daniel Renison grateus removed some of the Reserve, in a garden where the kids are going to plant some native trees. When removing the grateus, they freed several Moradillo saplings and other species already quite large right. Many invasive species such as grateus, being the fastest growing native drown trying to break through, but grow slower.

Emiliano leaves us

Emiliano Galli, one of the communal guards, will stop working for the Commune of Cuesta Blanca in late November. The township is looking for a replacement, but meanwhile, rangers will be left without support environments for tours on Sundays. For this reason, we especially all the neighbors to help us in controlling the environmental standards of conduct, talking to visitors who do not respect the instructions of the posters, or by calling the police.

Aqueduct Repair

The Coopi repaired the aqueduct that was missing a few months ago . Before the drought that we're living again, is great news.

new posters placed by the municipality

In total, the district placed during the month of October 9 posters. Eight of these icons (3 doubles and 5 singles, with the ban on lighting fires, camping and emit noises), and a sign indicating directions to the barbecue. The posters were distributed in the sector 1 of the reserve on the slope of the Nightingale, on the bridge and the barbecue industry.


Nursery Cuesta Blanca. Sale of native plant species. cel: (03541) 15 33 44 58 (Ivan).

increasing risk in Cuesta Blanca. I have available a report entitled "Threat sudden increasing in the town of Cuesta Blanca, province of Córdoba" authored by Rodrigo M. Ugarte, Osvaldo L. N. Barbeito and Silvio Ambrosino. The work is very interesting maps of flood risk areas, and pictures of the flooding of 1992. As it is a little heavy, not attached control, but stiffened on request.

cooperative Link Rio Ceballos. In this link you will find some interesting articles about water management and care

rangers Schedule environments

Sunday 14 November. Fernando Barri

Sunday 21 November. Emiliano Galli

Monday November 22 (holiday). Ana Cingolani

Sunday 28 November. Elisa Riffo

plants saws

Tear of the virgin ( Nothoscordum arenarium)

is a striking family seedling onions and garlic. Bulb has a tapered, elongated, 2 to 3 cm in length, which to survive during cold and dry. It flowers from September to late March, and these days it can be seen dotting the mountain yuyales.

Did you know ...

in 13 mountainous areas of the world have detected a total of 972 alien species outside of farming? Of these, about half were introduced for ornamental purposes, forest or others, and began to play alone. (Source: McDougall et al. 2010. Diversity & Distributions).


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