Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Women Shaving Percentage

Community Response to paper presented a few months ago. SAVE-ENVIRONMENT BULLETIN

Finally the community responded formally presented the letter to him on 6 May (if they want to see is here ). I personally consider it a great story and everyone I spoke to the subject felt similarly. So that everyone can draw their own conclusions, the transcribed below:

Cuesta Blanca, October 29, 2010.

Save Al-Environments Group Volunteers and Ms. Ana Cingolani (Coordinator).

In my consideration:

As President C omunal express, through this, the positions that we as a Community Committee in relation to concerns raised by the Save-Environments Group volunteers in our meeting on May 6, 2010.

  1. Commune widely recognizes and values \u200b\u200bthe voluntary work that the group is doing in the area of \u200b\u200beducation and environmental preservation, both to visitors and local residents. That's why we reaffirm our support for have undertaken community work and contribute from governance actions to strengthen these activities.

  2. In relation to noise nuisance, the commitment from the commune still not allow the use of music and / or distracting noise in open (public) or private property. We confirm that the resolution on noise pollution is in full force and has been applied to arbitrate any means necessary. In addition, investigations are underway to acquire a allow us to establish decibelímetro noise parameters against certain situations. To implement its use, along with Area community environment, is analyzing a series of values \u200b\u200bthat can objectively measure the noise. It is our intention to stand firm in the decision to Cuesta Blanca is a community free from noise nuisance, a position that corresponds to the profile location we have been defending.

  3. On the other hand, we want to inform you that l as resolutions of: noise pollution, with amendments and extensions, waste, and creation of the Reserve Cuesta Blanca, and have numbers and are force. Namely:

    • Resolution on Noise Nuisance, No. 131/04, as amended in 2006 and 2009, dated August 26, 2009. (Copy attached).

    • Waste Resolution No. 430/09, dated August 26, 2009, discussed in committee meeting, according to Act No. 460. (copy attached).

    • Resolution on Creation of Communal Reserve Cuesta Blanca, No. 441, contained in the minutes dated August 26, 2009 and is in effect.

(4) For the creation of the path of interpretation "Serrano grove, have resumed negotiations for signing the corresponding agreement between FUVA, the Commune and Ecosystems Argentinos, with the intention to formalize the implementation of the path. At today's date a meeting has been finalized for the first day of July between the community and the new head of the Department of Tourism FUVA, to convey a picture of the characteristics of the path, because the person has changed responsible and therefore must re-start the negotiations. In this process, the district is committed to ensuring follow-up to finally be able to formalize the agreement is signed.

(5) For that rangers more time meeting their work, especially in high season or fire, is a possibility that is being evaluated from the commune, but now can not be guaranteed by difficulties resources.

In order to continue to maintain contact and continue working in a coordinated way in protecting the environmental quality of the inhabitants of Cuesta Blanca, I greet you cordially.

Maria Andrea Jordan



The note refers to 3 resolutions community, also attach 2 of them then most of clearings for the present not to take

Resolution on noises, Waste Resolution and Resolution on clearing .


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