Friday, November 5, 2010

What Does A High Soft Cervix Mean


students "Interventoría for Engineers of Electrical and Electronics from the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas pesentarán case studies recruited subjects investigated and collected in the form of a booklet and video.
Videos on state contracts will be socialized on Saturday November 6, 2010 from 10 AM to 1 PM, in Room Maloka Mediatheque, Carrera 68D No. 40A-51 (Salitre). How to get to Maloka? Http://

In the cases studied will be how to avoid failures in the implementation of mega-projects of state agencies. The work produced by students are part of the overall assessment of knowledge, aptitutes and attitudes learned during the semester.
The pedagogical purpose of this event is to motivate the student of engineering in the use of ICT and audiovisual technologies in education.
This activity takes place within the conceptual framework of contemporary pedagogies, from a humanistic approach to teaching-learning process. immersed in constructivism, which part of the responsibility of the subject on their own learning process.
This event promotes the formation of skills through fun, creative pedagogy, for students of different specialties to build their knowledge, skills and qualifications as leaders in engineering projects but in direct connection with the social, environmental, economic, political and administrative in our country. Interventoría for Engineers is a course designed and developed by Professor Germain Cabuya Parra.


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